
I stoles it.

Being drunk makes you “less rigid” in regards to when you’re about to collide with something else. A sober person when facing a collision or a fall will try and brace themselves, tighten muscles, and go more rigid in an instinctual reaction to stop themselves... A drunk person has shitty reaction time, so their body

If more than one party is at fault, it makes sense to go after the one with the most money. In a lot of cases, the private individual is “judgment proof,” meaning the assets they have aren’t worth the cost of litigation.

How does some cops kidnapping (because the arrest was illegal) and murdering a man have anything to do with “problems in the black community?” How about you stop defending the actions of our white supremacist society and shut up and learn something?

It’s definitely her fault, she made the decision to drive drunk. However, it looks like Car2Go essentially lets you take a car without any human interaction. You just flash your card in front of a reader mounted behind the windshield and the car opens up. I could the family’s point in this case. There’s no clerk or

They’re probably hoping for some kind of plea deal right now, or will eventually plead guilty after assessing her options. My friend just got sentenced in a DUI case and she initially plead not guilty even though it was pretty clear she was at fault.

I dunno, this article makes it sound like she managed somehow to rent the car while drunk ... which ... I can kind of understand some liability for the company in that situation. Safeguards don’t sound like a bad idea, though I’m not sure what the company’s doing now to protect against idiots using their property to

I’ve said it before on the other article. Why is that the scumbag drunk driver almost always survives while the innocents die? Thankfully the driver of the other car did not die, but I see too often where the only people to die are in the other car.

As long as these dudebods with dadbods are extending the bodpositivity to their wifebods and girlfriendbods who have maybe “let themselves go,” I’m all for it. Bods.

Since when have “dadbods” not been celebrated? Adam Sandler, Stephen Colbert, Rob Corddry, Craig Robinson, Will Forte, Ty Burrell, Bob Odenkirk, Rainn Wilson... I can keep going. The list of famous, wealthy men on tv/in movies with “dadbods” numbers in the hundreds. The list of famous, wealthy women on tv/in movies

Look, as long as you’re attractive, have a heartbeat, aren’t a douche, and can carry on a conversation, we’re good.

Can I still eat meat and support farm animal rescue? I would like to do that, please.

I had no idea fish rescues were a thing.

For a lot of young people, Obama was the first candidate that they were old enough to vote for. He seemed genuinely above politics as usual, even for many who had voted in countless elections, and there was a feeling of change and possibility in the air. Now, almost eight years later, this is the first election that

call me a sucker but Sen Warren seems legit and there are others - first thing I look for is where they stand on campaign finance reform

Don’t forget that Bush Sr. was Reagan’s VP, so feel free to tack on an additional 8 years of having a Bush in the Executive Branch to the beginning of your list.

Therein lies the problem. I believe that she holds some core values that I share, but she’s simply not principled enough to defend them when it comes down to it. Her self-interest wins out.

Let’s keep the entirely valid criticism of her front and center, as long as we also fucking vote. I’d hate to have another election when all the goddamned evangelical bigots vote and all the disillusioned liberals stay home.

Excellent article. My concern with the upcoming election is that some of the most compelling reasons to vote for Hillary will be:

Hillary is clearly doing a pivot to the left just for insurance purposes. Unless she gets a serious challenger, you’ll hear nothing more about this once the primary season starts.