
Well, I guess trans doesn’t cancel out rich.

Right?! That was the only thing he said that I struggled to accept... you’re a Why Bruce? Are you sure it’s not just a phase...people experiment with conservatism all the time... but Mitch McConnell?... Those people aren’t your friends. Sweetie no!

Seriously though- what shampoo do those folks use? Because honestly the whole Jenner/Kardashian clan has fantastic hair. I guess it’s just live in stylists but they always have such shiny pretty hair.

Rich transpeople still may not wanna pay their taxes.

He could be a libertarian, conservative for money, liberal/progressive on any personal rights.

I never thought Kanye, the man with the ego the size of a small planet, would be the voice of reason and empathy. This managed to raise my opinion of the guy.

As a religious dude myself, I always sort of figured that the “made in God’s image” clause was more about our souls rather than our physical bodies. I’m not entirely sure. Oh well. I’ll just live the best life I can, be nice to others, and then if I ever get to meet Him I’ll ask for clarification.

Jenner also said he’s a conservative

I was really touched by most of this interview but the conservative thing left a bad taste in my mouth. Im glad he’s going to be able to be his true self, but i think his transition will have less hiccups due to a level of affluence that not all trans individuals possess. Identifying with a party that really doesn’t

I’m not for standing on or abjectly destroying American flags, but I do believe people forget that this flag reverence is a relatively new thing. I used to have to handle American flags at work a lot and people got really weird about them (I was yelled at once for not wearing gloves. I can tell you that is not in the

I worked at a McDonald’s here in backwards town Northeast Tennessee when I was in high school. We had 2 different customers who would pay for a cup of tarter sauce and a cup of Big Mac sauce to dip fries in. When I say cup, I mean it was an actual drink cup, full of Mac sauce or tarter sauce to dip fries into.

Way back when I ordered a chicken pot pie at KFC and when I got home it felt kind of light when I pulled it out of the bag. Sure enough it was crust only... no filling. Got in the car, took it back, and the guy at the counter just said “musta been Sean.” A new pot pie with filling was provided.

I think that’s more of a distribution issue because a lot of places order their chicken and fries from the same place.

There’s a great local burrito place in Boston. You order at the counter and they add your ingredients in as you order it (similar setup to Chipotle and Qdoba but a million times yummier). I’ve never had a problem there. My boyfriend swears they mess up his order everytime. I don’t believe him because how can they mess

That’s like the Taco Bell near my work. I only ever order a cheesy bean & rice burrito. Not one time have they made it correctly. They use shredded cheese, or put all the cheese in the bottom, or leave it off entirely. Once, I think they just substituted a massive amount of sour cream instead of cheese. Or this

a place that rhymes with Flapple Keys

The BK near our high school was notorious for always throwing in extra food by mistake. Whoever was broke and hungry that day would just pile in with whoever was going to BK and would get first dibs on the extras.

One time I ordered a 4-piece McNuggets and was given a 4-piece McNugget box filled to the brim with tartar sauce.

Well..... that sounded pretty darn incompetent until you mention the burger with a bite taken out of it. That sounds personal. I’ve become used to ordering burgers/sandwiches without mayo (the devil’s condiment) and getting home to find a glob of mayo on my meal.

No, this was in Anaheim, CA. There were many, many places. I just like living on the wild side.