
Don’t get me wrong. I hope he runs and that he primaries her.. or even better yet, Warren (which I don’t think is going to happen). I want some really progressive candidates to jump in to swing the party platform hard left/progressive.

i would support her too tbh

I agree with you, but I also don’t think that being part of one demographic means you ‘speak for’ that demographic and no other. As president, he/she should speak for all demographics - just because that historically hasn’t happened doesn’t mean it can’t. I wouldn’t vote for man who thought he could tell a woman what


Funny, I feel like I can risk voting third-party since I’m in a SOLID red state. I want to vomit just thinking about it. Though, if I can somehow contribute to Georgia going blue, I will throw the biggest fucking party.

Hillary Clinton 2016:

I truly care less about her marriage or her gender than I do about her behavior as it relates to the private email server. I simply have huge heartburn over it. We are not stupid. Moving all your government work emails onto a private server is done for one reason and one reason only - to control access to publicly

Hillary Clinton 2016:

Run Bernie Run! C’mon liberal people, YES WE CAN!

Ugh. If its Clinton vs Bush again I’m getting on that one way rocket to Mars.

Scalia will never die. He’s basically a human skin suit filled with rage. Like Vincent D’onofrio in MIB. Only less charming.

Bernie is planning to run as a Democrat if he runs so once again what did that link have to do with anything given that no votes have been cast? I don’t need people telling me who I have to vote for (and I don’t HAVE to do a damn thing) before there’s been any votes cast or even a primary set up. This is bullshit.

she scares me in that she has not one original idea for how to run the country

If she’d put that on her campaign materials, I have to say I’d warm up to her a little.

“Hillary Rodham Clinton will bring a permanent darkness of deceit and despair forced upon the American people to endure.”

A bunch of people on my Facebook feed are blowing it up with “YAY HILLARY!!!!” and a small amount (some conservative people in my family, mostly) are all “NO. NO HILLARY.”

This really just sums it up - I’m so not enthused about her - but she doesn’t scare me.

Jon u r abandoning us in our tiem of need

Stewart showed a clip of a slack-jawed Fox News pundit asking, without a hint of humor: “Do the American people really want another four, eight years of the Clintons and their weird marriage?”

“I have to tell ya–eight years of one demographically symbolic president is enough.”