
A) If she ran out of the bathroom half-naked, bleeding and weeping hysterically.

Rephrase yourself.

Maybe she made a false allegation, that's been known to happen. That doesn't mean it's okay to say that one can tell whether a person is a rape victim by LOOKING at her. There's so much toxicity in those words, I don't know where to even begin unpacking it.

This. Sex to us is being close, intimate, and together. He will get me off if I'm frisky and he's not into v/p. Yes, gasp, sigh, sometimes dudes don't want sex. Commuuuuunication, y'all.

Ugh, this is not at all directed at you, but you've just illustrated perfectly why we, as a culture, HAVE to stop thinking of "sex" as exclusively p-in-v penetrative sex. It excludes so many, many other ways of getting off. It's sad. And it's especially bad to treat p-in-v as the be-all, end-all because it can be so

I feel you.

Simple: it stretches out the front, flattens the core, and makes the boobies look perkier.

What's with all the extreme back arching? Is that supposed to be sexy?

I definitely will thanks for the recomendation!

I am lucky enough to be educated on consent and sexual fulfilment, but I know a lot of men women who are raised to believe sex is something women just don't enjoy. That women just have to grin and bear it, and that is part of a "normal partnership." So when these women do find themselves in really unhappy sexual

If all the sex in the relationship is "maintenance sex," as MartiniGuy described, there is a serious problem with chemistry. Breaking up isn't necessarily the only option to deal with it, but you can't just shrug and figure that it's normal for sex to "tail off."

I don't think maintenance sex is necessary for everyone (especially if you're not into it) but it's definitely a thing for me. My job is stressful, shitty, and draining. I'm pretty much always stressed out and exhausted and it really craps on my sex drive. I try to muster up the enthusiasm to have sex with my

I have zero problems with maintenance sex. I love ballsmcgee more than life itself, but I just don't have a very high sex drive. I think it's a combo of my SSRI + my anxiety disorder, which causes me to be very obsessive about not getting pregnant even though I have an IUD and then leads me to be quite anxious after

I think there's nothing wrong with wanking it at all. In some relationships which are nightmares there's a duality of "I dont want to have sex, but I also don't want you to have any sexual gratification by yourself either". I was in a relationship with a woman who was like "oh, don't jerk off, I wanna have sex later"

What about maintenance cuddling?

I'm with Dan Savage. Common sense, really. It only turns into a big discussion when people project all kinds of crap on maintenance sex which is neither abusive nor non-consensual because that's not what we're talking about here. It's not about anyone being forced into sex. It's kinda like how you pretend to be more

This issue could just as easily apply to a man who doesn't feel like sex and caves for his lady

Sex twice a week? Are these people newlyweds? What a novel concept. Try being married for 20 years and see how often that magic moment happens. Once you hit about 40 or so, your idea of a great time is 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep.

"Crazy For You" while a popular song by Madonna, is fleeting. Sex tails off, especially for heterosexuals (seriously y'all...) but there's still sex later.

Beyonce articles.