
The Wet Seal at the Dayton (Ohio) Mall had a sign also. Someone posted it on the r/dayton reddit.

I am diabetic, and have to give props to a co worker who made me a beautiful chocolate cake ... and was so proud of making it as sugar free as she could ... to the extent of melting down sugarfree *maltitol* based chocolate candy to make the ganache and such for it.

That sign rouses the rabble. No other corporation would touch these people with a ten foot pole.

Let's be honest here: retail labor isn't exactly hard to come by in these situations. Headhunting is, for better or for worse, for people with relatively more rare skills.

Sometimes you don't know until it is too late. A dear friend ordered a very hot dish at one of my favorite places. Staff warned her it was very hot indeed. Great, she says, and the server goes to put in the order. I gently warn her they mean "native-palate hot" by hot. Thirty minutes of her crying and rinsing her

I don't understand the blindly backing them up, but I understand not saying anything. I probably wouldn't say anything if they were loud. Sometimes I might, but most of the time I wouldn't want to cause further conflict.

Can we expand this to also cover people who claim to be "very" allergic to something just because they don't like it?

Are the all-beef hot dogs made from carcasses?

I once knew a girl who thought that beef was the dark meat of chicken. No idea man.

i dont understand blindly loyal friends who say nothing/back people up in their stupidity. shut it down, guys. shut the bullshit down.

"Make them read the posts publicly to their assembled classmates. In a room. Live."

omgggg i cannot wait for someone to raaaaaaaaaaaaaage

That's good to know, both that I didn't have to deal with it and that it's not as entrenched as I thought. Hopefully it'll go by the way of the Atkins diet and leave the gluten-free lifestyle to the folks that actually need it.

She will throw a tray or a tub of laundry or a box of detergent. Throwers gotta throw.

I would have told the gluten lady that I couldn't bring her a veggie dog with a clear conscience knowing that she was 'very alergic' to gluten.

"VERY allergic to gluten"

Are you really expecting this on dirt bag? Do you need someone to explain to you what it is?

"When we arrived at Danbury, everyone we encountered was extremely courteous and respectful," he shared.

That look will be very hard to maintain in prison. I want to see photos a few months from now. And the other housewives' reaction to the photos. And her reaction to the housewives' reaction

I think the tables are fastened to the floor in most prisons, so Theresa won't be doing any prostitution whore table flipping.