
Plus Diane Keaton for rom-com and Isabel Huppert for French.

Well to be fair it was more exactly like she was being sold into sex slavery than her voluntarily auctioning off her virginity. He was trying to prevent her from being raped repeatedly and forcibly hooked on drugs and so on.

Bascially it all boils down to Meryl Streep for American films, Mirren for British films, Judi Dench and Maggie Smith for historical drama (they can can do contemporary films, but probably only in supporting roles), Glenn Close if you need an ice queen, and Sigourney Weaver (65!) if you need her to kick her own ass.

And also:

Especially since Stallone's had so many facelifts he looks like an aging but imperious soap opera matriarch.

Remember how much shit her character (a professional chef) got for remodeling her kitchen because the movie came out during the recession or some such nonsense? Meryl quite rightly pointed out that male characters don't get crap for having laser guns inside hollowed out mountains.

I enjoyed that movie too, and I was able to just kind of go with the ridic age difference between her and Cooper in SLP - but her age straight up took me out of the story in American Hustle. This super hot 23 year old is playing a bitter shrewy insecure wife with a fucking 7 year old kid??? I think she's a GREAT

Yes. I like Jennifer Lawrence and everything, but she was way too young for Silver Linings and American Hustle. It took me right out of both movies. Like, just hire a fucking 32-year-old, will you?

And Jennifer Lawrence played that role TWO YEARS after playing a 17 year old, a year younger than her actual age at the time. Silver Linings Playbook has always bothered me for that reason.

Streep is such a bad example of an exception to the rule, too. Oh, the best actress on earth can get roles? Color me shocked.

Movies have become the realm of actors while television have become the realm of actresses. Lately, for every complaint about, "No one is going to watch a movie with a such-such female character as a lead, " television has said, "Oh, yeah. Here's a television show with a female lead equivalent. Enjoy."

Yes. Off of the top of my head, we haven't seen Meryl in a mainstream movie playing someone who is relatable and sexually appealing since It's Complicated, which was a noteworthy movie basically because a romance about older people is so sensational in Hollywood. She tends to get the character roles these days -

I also wanted to mention Something's Gotta Give and how that movie was such a big deal because it blasted the whole problem with this double standard. Jack Nicholson hooking up with Amanda Peet was part of the "norm" in their world but the idea of Keanu Reeves lusting after Diane Keaton was so absurd that even her

Hey now! That can be broken down into so many different roles! The cool mom trying to relive her youth, the disapproving mom that doesn't understand why the daughter hasn't settled down with a man yet, the alcoholic mom, etc. SO many awesome roles!

Or worse, there are suitable roles for women in their forties and fifties and they STILL cast a much younger women. Look at all the "mom" shows out there where the mother would reasonably be over forty. They still cast an actresses that are in their early a mom to a kids just a few years younger.

Ooh, I want to hear Russell's hot take on Winter's Tale. "Sure, Colin Farrell, you can totally pull off playing a 21-year-old. But that 25-year-old actress playing opposite you, also pretending to be 21? She needs to act her age."

At that age men are still hitting the "Aging Badass" role like Liam Neeson, which is a genre in itself. Can't think of many movies that even HAVE that role for an actress. Maybe Red and Red 2? Usually if a woman is over 50 in an action-y movie they're some evil CEO or something.

Exactly. And I wouldn't throw Meryl Streep's name around too much in arguments like his because Streep is the first one who will tell you that she is the exception to the rule. She's talked about this a billion times.

Meryl Streep's latest role on screen is literally playing a hag witch, I mean, this dude is so out of touch. GRANTED, it is Into The Woods, but seriously? Not tomato-tomahto. Tomato-pin cushion.

I believe it was Tina Fey who said: "Helen Mirren is not proof that there are parts for older women, Helen Mirren is proof that there are parts for Helen Mirren."