
Congrats! I just started going to a personal training studio and it includes a nutritionist. It has been amazing, and I have kept up with everything since I'm paying so much 💰💰💰

That's the parent's responsibility, not the airline. It's not worth the wasted space and weight if they are rarely ever used.

They do! That the whole crazy bit of it- the parents did not call the airline and let them know. When the girl was a baby that was one thing, but now she past toddler hood and needs a safety seat...which many airlines will provide if you ask!

Yes, because luxury vacations should be comped because of special needs.

Yes, airlines specifically state that they are not responsible for car seats on the plane (checked or otherwise). Liability when it comes to safety devices is tricky, and they don't want anything to do with it.

they're there as a service to passengers, not as the Air Police, which is how many view themselves

that's what I am saying. They got two first class seats for themselves and an economy seat for their kid. They suck. That's not how planes work anyway.

The flight attendant could have handled it better but she was and is right in her objections. The purchased seat was in an entirely different section of the plane. The parents tried to plead that there were no other options but there are several legal and safer ones available.

That flight attendant was an idiot. I mean, I carry a purse. Most women carry purses. Most women carry BIG ASS purses that are heavy and full of stuff that often includes everything from compact umbrellas to iPads. I can assure you, ma'am, that it is NOT a victory to have a five or eight or ten pound object full of…

Also not excusing the airline... but they can't be expected to smoothly deal with every possible scenario when it comes to accommodating special needs. They certainly should have handled this better, but it would have been a non-issue if the parents had brought their own safety seat.

This. Or if it's a big purse and you have an empty seat next to you, zip that bitch shut and strap it in with a seatbelt. Jesus christ, so many solutions other than "smugly plop your handbag onto a seat then complain about the flight attendants who are there to protect passengers and keep everyone safe."

Are you for real? If they wanted the entire family seated in business, then buy everyone their own godamn business class ticket. Don't buy an economy and then expect your kid to be allowed up in business, especially when - special needs or not - they're too old to sit on your lap, at least for take off and landing.…

The FA who was lecturing you was 100% correct. It doesn't matter what the other one said, you can't leave loose objects unrestrained in flight. I've been on flights with severe turbulence were newspapers and sweatshirts and books go flying into the air - its not uncommon for that kind of turbulence to happen on even a…

What the fuck, that is not a victory for females or business travelers or anyone except for maybe derps who love playing purse roulette when it comes to dangerous projectiles slamming into someone's head when the plane drops.

Seriously, go get that purse and have someone throw it at your face as hard as they can, then…

If it's really that small, I usually just end up cramming it into the seat pocket (those things are surprisingly stretchy) or sometimes (shh) sitting on it so the FAs can't see it.

They're big. They'd take up a lot of room on a plane and probably wouldn't get used often enough to justify the cost.

You shouldn't have your purse on your lap.

Just curious as to why you think you should get to keep your purse in your lap? Why not just put it up like the rules require? Was there something in it you could not do without during landing?

they are. They bought the ticket for her, thinking they can whine their way into breaking the rules. They could have sent the husband in economy, brought their child's car seat and all would have been fine. But they didn't because they suck as people and as parents.

they are called car seats. The parents need to bring it themselves. They chose to save money by buying an economy seat. They suck.