
The flight attendants should always show discretion and compassion when dealing with passengers but FAA rules about lap kids are likely there because of safety. Unsecured items and children become projectiles in case of turbulence. I don't know how much a flight attendant makes but I wouldn't put my job on the line

Yeah. It seems like a very small amount of research by the parents would have directed them to the FAA's suggestions of a safety seat. If there was some sort of accident, there is no way that this girl would be safe sitting on her parent's lap.

If you have the ability to make this go viral after the fact, you have the ability to find a safe and appropriate solution before the fact. It isn't a state secret that you can use car seat on airplanes. There are special needs groups and car seat groups all over the internet that could have told them what to do.

The FAA rule that states children over the age of 2 must sit in their own seat (regardless of where it was in the airplane). That is the issue—the child was over the age of 2 and therefore cannot be a lap child. It's not just about buying a ticket, it's a safety issue.

I was thinking the same thing. I have a child who flew with me at ages 3 & 4 who sat in his car seat that was airline approved every time we flew. I plan on continuing to use it on airlines until he is large enough to not need it for the car. (Age 8 or 80 lbs)

I dunno..

Exactly! The parents are the ones who fucked up by buying their daughter a seat in economy rather than in business with them. It's their own damn fault for being stupid AND cheap.

I'm glad they are going to start using a safety seat for Ivy. Frankly, I'm really surprised they didn't do this already, as she probably uses a car seat in their car, right? How do you have a child with special physical needs and not look really closely into solutions for safety in special situations (like flying,

The family in this story is ridiculous and was asking the flight attendant to violate FAA rules. FAA rules do NOT allow "lap children" over 2- even for special needs. There IS an exception for using a non approved device on the plane for special needs- such as a special needs car seat or other medical positioner.

Looks like she wants to pick her nose, but realizes she shouldn't do it in public.

Her behavior is also consistent with a scenario where that is her boyfriend, she is the dominant partner, he is the submissive partner, and she is highly neurotic, so she acts more like she is managing a delicate piece of property, rather than a lover, and he is so submissive he puts up with all of her moods, both

Couldn't it just be that her boyfriend was being all pissy, and she was reacting to his pissiness with a "What the hell is wrong with this guy?" eyeroll? That was my initial thought.

If it is a side-piece, she did good. 9/10.

She might just really hate being put on film. Believe it or not, even in the age of social media, not everyone is running towards the camera.

Oh my god it gets funnier every single time

It kinda looks like she smelled her fingers after rubbing his neck. ?

Honest to Blog I find this shit extremely hilarious. Truly one of the more awkward things I've ever seen. I am guessing "high as fuck" and "not supposed to be in NoLA"

Why do people think kids who act up have never been beaten or "spanked" (the euphemism for beaten). Kids learn by example. If kids see their grown-ups get what they want by hitting, that's what kids are going to do. If a kid's threatening violence against people, it's not unlikely people are regularly threatening or

I can't speak for the parents who are doing this, I don't know their lives, but I do know that for myself I have always tried to make sure that nothing I do as a parent can be easily fetishized by my child. I get that parents fuck up and kids wind up in therapy but " My mom spanked me in front of uniformed police

I would prefer that we get to supervise THEIR use of force.