
You can't "storm" a public building that is paid for by your tax dollars. "Storming" implies taking, by force, a property which does not belong to you.

I agree it's a messy process. And I also agree that the anger is real and it isn't going away, but the movement and the protestors needs to be very careful about always putting the anger forward as their main emotion. The public gets tired of anger pretty quickly, and at some point, if you don't start presenting

Yes, but it is also usually paired with an actual agenda that can be achieved. My biggest concern about the movement right now is that while we're seeing a lot of the direct action that achieves headlines, we aren't seeing the other stuff (i.e. legislative work, building up of political allies, negotiations with law

And what a lot of the over policing of black communities does is create a system that disenfranchises black people while they're young, and disqualifies them for voting or public service. It's no coincidence that the US is so strict about felony disenfranchisement and they just so happen to have such a

Storming. Interesting word use there.

Protests and mass demonstrations helped, but they aren't the be-all, end-all of social action that some make them out to be. EgPac is correct that social change also requires important things like an actionable agenda and goals that can be achieved. Demanding that the police resign en masse, and occupying their

The best way to change a system is to be the system.

They expected to be arrested. But they also expected to keep people talking about this issue, and to remind the police that we aren't forgetting these murders any time soon.

I wonder how many protesters were there to sign up to take the next civil service exam to become police officers? Or maybe finding out how to get their names on the ballot for the next mayoral election?

Did protests help end the war in Vietnam? Did protests help end apartheid? The answer isn't clear, but I think the protesters were on the right side.

"There's a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part! You can't even passively take part! And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels…upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop! And you've got to

Speaking of fuckery, my cousin, Racist Brian, posted this on FB tonight-

I expected to go out, but I moved 45 mins from all my friends a few months ago, and I just do not feel like driving all that way out there to hang out for a few hours. Not to mention that if I'm driving, I'm not going to drink, and there's no public transportation out this way, so...I'm staying in. I already had the

I'm setting damn boundaries with my narcissistic mom and texting instead of calling tonight. Enough is enough. 2015 is the year of low contact (very low) with narc Mom! Woohoo!

How can someone in Fiji be so angry?

That dude does NOT live in Fiji? Does that dude live in Fiji? My god, he does. And has a site called A-MAN-ZON (GET IT?!) and Dead Broke Dads. I mean, why am I still single at 37.

ManBook is the brainchild of Joschua-Brandon: Boehm©. It has been created as an on-line community similar to Facebook. Men are tired of the censorship on Facebook. So we have created our own mens space.

And, of course, I want to go to his site and see if I can get him to actually bring it on, which is childish and akin to, "I double dog triple dare you!"

What to do? I REALLY want to have a look at that website and maybe, just maaaybe, add a few comments. (I live on the edge!) But, would the clicks give him revenue? Would the clicks benefit him in anyway? Cause if they did, fuck that.

Joschua "why so many consonants" Boehm deserves anal prolapse.