
Look, none of these are bad as this monstrosity. NEVER FORGET.

I know a guy like this, too! Huge jackass, always pissing people off, but had a loyal following of girls clamoring to date him during college. He wasn't hot, rich, or even nice, but he was (absurdly) self-confident. It's very alluring, especially for young women who are still unsure of themselves and struggling with

A friend of my partner is like that. He just has this blind, unwavering (cough... baseless) confidence that at least some women appear to mistake for redeeming qualities. I've seen several otherwise sane women throwing themselves at him and following him around like a puppy dog to the absolute bafflement of all of

She's Meat Loaf with sperm-brows - of course she's an agent for Chaos.

I like to get socks. But only the kind with reinforced fluffy heels and toes, cause I am classy like that. I also like getting soap, tea towels, and oven mittens. I have low expectations, ok?

Not getting pregnant after just a few months of trying doesn't actually mean that anything is wrong, does it? Isn't that pretty normal?

Could it all be because she can't have the one thing she really wants — another baby?

Comme Ça?

As the guy who tried to cut you off perfectly shows, nobody worries more about the asses of gay men than homophobes do.

And then when I tried to get up I fell on it again, but face first this time!

With All the Protests, Why Are Artists So Afraid of Protest Music?

Protesting means you're anti-cop, or so the media tells me. Stars rely on the media for their business. Ergo, better to write songs about booty and be irrelevant than take a stand for something moral.

Those of us from Colorado have known this for years. The drive from Denver (5,280 feet) up to the mountains (>10,000 feet) is always a flatulent experience.

Absolutely, marriage requires attention and care. Yes, maintenance. Twue wuv does not just magically keep two people happy together for 50 years or more. Especially if you grow or change as people.

The first amendment doesn't give you the right to protest on private property without consent from the owners. They did not have permission.

Look, the protestors were warned. They were on private property. Your constitutional right to protest does not extend to private property. Now do I think they should be protesting? Yes. What they accomplished is impressive but it's now overshadowed by the arrests, etc.

It's private property so MoA was within their right asking the protesters to leave...but it was a dickmove that had little to do with safety and everything to do with sales.

Large crowds of people??? Gathered at the mall??? How dangerous!! After all, if there's one thing malls weren't made for it's the safe passage of large numbers of people through its open areas.

That right doesn't extend to private property.

That top image is chilling. If that was in a dystopian sci-fi movie I'd scoff at how outlandish and over the top it is. But it's reality and that is terrifying.