
Making money by screwing over Mother Earth to spend on screwing over expectant mothers.

Obviously this is demeaning in every way imaginable, but let's suppose for a moment that there were some value making virginity a requirement for civil servants. I suppose the idea would be that you only want people who are "unspoiled" in some way to get these positions. So, starting from that assumption...

I'm not a virgin because I fell... onto a penis...

So, it's not that they're scrapping virginity tests because virginity is an outdated and completely inappropriate way to test a woman's moral upstanding, but because sometimes a woman's vagina isn't virgin-like because of other reasons like she fell on it?

jezebel hates her. And having a different opinion only breeds more hate your way. I don't get it, but that's how this shit seems to always go. Snaps for voicing a different view though.

There's truth to the criticism, but it's a pile-on. There have been other white appropriating rappers that have gotten far less shit. Eminem's a great example.

So are people going to finally stop talking to her? She's aware of her white privilege and she doesn't care about black people. At all. I know I've done my fair share of talking shit about her but I'm done now. You can't force everyone to understand something.

Okay, so I understand that she has made some racist tweets or whatever it was (I don't know the specifics), and she was stupid to have that "slave-master" line (wtf was she thinking?), and that is definitely an important part of the context here. But what, really, is wrong with anything she said? I think she's right

This is what is irritating me- why couldn't they ask him how he feels about being paid more than a female co-star? That seems like a reasonable question, since they are such a big *news organization.*

Well, they did an episode of The IT Crowd where Jen fakes being fluent in Italian... but that's not a movie.

It's pretty common to study French at school in the UK. Possibly his brain dredged up all the forgotten lessons on past participle verbs?

There are tons of people speaking French in the UK. It would be like someone from California speaking Spanish - it could have been casually stored there pre-coma.

But can he still speak French?

You can find a few Scientology dimwits. Look for one of their "NarCONon" fake drug treatment frauds and you'll find actual Scientology criminals running the thing.

Are there actually "real" scientologists? I do not know any and I don't know of any outside of Hollywood.

Yeah, as Tim posted, there's no mystery around the e-reader. It's a galvanic skin response meter. You could (with some electrical knowledge) build yourself one with stuff you could get from Heathkit fairly easily.

Three breathtaking colors.

someone at Gizmodo please buy an E-meter, tear it down and post the findings.

This diagram explains it all.

This reminds me exactly of Uncle Rico's time machine