
Meanwhile, I'm still getting over the fact that apparently Iggy Azalea and Azealia Banks are not the same person. I should probably pay more effort to keep up with pop culture.

What do you want her to say about Ferguson? Do we go to Eric Clapton when Southern Racism happens because he is a blues artist?

I'm still not sure how I feel about Iggy Azalea. Perhaps another seven or eight articles would help.

Hanlon's Razor:

Why not just post this:

Rap has surpassed all boundaries of race, class and gender into the absurd realm of capitalist fetishism. With a beat. It is merely a platform for people to say what they want over any sound they like, so long as people play it in the clubs and in their cars. It can be racist, sexist or classist or really anything it

You know, before Jezebel starts its Iggy Article Love-to-Hate-fest I really didn't know much about her. After a couple articles I decided I really didn't like her.

And count-down timers on the lights.

There seems to be two contributing causes for these rear end accidents.

Hey Jezzies, sorry to be that person, but unrelated question - did anyone else's notification ... notifier get lit up by a bunch of old notifications, starting about 6 hours ago today? Cause mine did. Bunch of stuff from like September.

I liked Petrovsky until he slapped her. Actually, she ended up with a lot of really selfish men— sorry, Aiden was selfish too. He totally tried to make her into Nature Girl when it wasn't her thing. Maybe she should have stuck by David Duchovny.

Agreed. Aiden was kind of a dope, but Carrie jerked him around because she couldn't bear to give up on Big (who treated her horribly). Carrie was such a vain, selfish, immature person that I really felt like she shouldn't have ended up with anyone - but Big was also such a blowhard, manipulative narcissist that it

Sure Smith was hot, but Samantha found herself taking a backseat to his career, and she didn't want to do that. She was too ambitious a woman to play second fiddle to anyone.

It's not just me? Gosh, I was feeling popular...

Yeah, the same notifications come up over and over again, they never clear.

Unrelated, but is anyone else getting a bunch of notifications on old-as-shit comments? Jesus, another day, another weird Kinja malfunction......

So, I don't think Carrie should've ended up with Big OR Aiden. Here's why: From a character perspective, Big was a gigantic douchebag and undeserving of her time and attention. From a cultural perspective, I think it was irresponsible for the show to shove down our throats the trop about how assholes can change if

If they did it, they would have to rewrite a chunk of Bond backstory, which I personally think is a good idea. Admitting that 007/James Bond is a code name that gets passed on to other people can really be an interesting angle. Currently they claim that Bond is the same guy (and even went as far as to show the graves

As long as you wash it BEFORE you wear it it's safe.

Just label them soiled panties and double the price. I'm sure there is a market for that somewhere.