
I enjoy that sometimes it sounds like Jay-son and sometimes it sounds like Jay-sen, but it's always De-rue-low

Pitbull cracks me up. He just seems to appear on every song ever doing the Pitbull laugh and shouting BAILE.

People just love the neo-doo wop/girl group sound. They could literally be singing fascist propaganda and people would fucking love it. I hate that song so fucking much.

I don't think I've said my own name that many times in my life, much less recorded.

It is not that Coldplay was ever amazing (though Viva La Vida was alright), but they are just a parody of their own songs at this point! Ack!

It wouldnt be anywhere without that chorus by Charli XCX. They deserve all the credit for that making that song what it is.

"I'm bringing booty back (newsflash, she has none so...yeah)...go 'head and tell those skinny bitches that."

My wife insists on playing"All About That Bass" to my daughter. Thanks for the ammo for my counter-offensive.

Seriously the self-publishing section has become the new fanfic. There might be a few gems in there, but you've gotta wade through a lot of muck.

Self-published titles like those Kindle Singles can be about some f***ing disturbing topics.

This is so "Baroness Schraeder does Christmas." I want it.

Today a Woman's Home Companion is called a vibrator.

But if we don't spend a ridiculous amount of money on a ridiculous amount of presents for our babies, how will we be able to prove (via photos on Facebook) that we are the best parents?!?

This actually reminded me of the "basket of treasures" concept, which I think is Montessori. Get a small basket. Fill it with non-choke-able every day type things of different sizes, shapes, and textures. Let baby go to town. Rotate stuff in and out as necessary.

"the useless junk children love"

Decorations that are just piles of ornaments and pine leaves? Wearing a simple red houserobe or black pants while you decorate? A cake that doesn't involve intricate fondant sculpture? Gluten?!

Honestly, you could wear this today and look pretty styling, I think.

What is this small child doing in this highly sexualised ad? Keep those mistletoe comments away from my baby.

That baby grab-box is a good idea, though. Everyone laughs about how babies just like the packaging anyway, right?

Both my grandmother and mother live in these sort of robes.