
It's much more fun to hate a group if you can self-righteously claim that you're the ones being attacked.

i need them to name one fucking political spoil i have gotten. name fucking one.

While I'm still pissed as hell at Rolling Stone for screwing this up, perhaps something good will come of it after all. They get no credit if it does, though.

My daughter had a friend spend the night and she mentioned how funny it was that we shower in the morning and then put on clean pajamas (instead of getting dressed, I guess). Meanwhile, I was thinking that I only wore jeans as late as I did last night because you came over.

A friend stopped by unannounced the other day to drop off a Christmas card, and asked if my husband and I were going to bed soon (it was 6p.m.) We said no, and replied, "Why do you ask?" "Because you have your PJs on." Umm, we're relaxing in our home. Why the hell WOULDN'T we be wearing PJs?!

My father is a cardiothoracic surgeon who worked with Dr. Oz long before the fame. He will still tell you that he was a brilliant surgeon. However, he has always had a weird spiritual bent, ie: doing the laying of the hands thing.

We do the same thing, my husband always laughs because I start taking off my pants as I walk up the stairs to get into my PJ's faster.

my mom went to a naturopath. She bought like $500 worth of vitamins. The "Dr." diagnosed her by having her hold a pill in her hand with her arm held firm straight out in front of her. If the "Dr." could push her arm down, she needed the pill (they were just things like iron or B12). Upon researching the nice "Dr." I

Oh god, I was having drinks last night with an acquaintance who was going on about how she doesn't "believe in Western medicine," and "doesn't take pills anymore." And then she proceeded to talk about how wonderful cupping is and how it's solved all her problems (you know, where they heat up little glass cups and

The expert you're looking for is a dietician.

You should consult a dietician, if you want dietary advice. They hold post-secondary degrees in nutrition science and are regulated.

My family lives in our pajamas. As soon as we're home, the "outside" clothes come off and we change into our "lounging around pajamas." Pajamas make the world better but not the way that Dr. Oz is suggesting. "Negative ions?"

Homeopathy is the opposite of science! I told my aunt, who spouts how awesome homeopathy is (but depends on 900 traditional meds to stay the fuck alive everyday) the last time she needed me to buy her some antibiotics for her eye that she should just throw a fleck of the antibiotics into a tub of water, then lick the

I consider pjs to be my real clothes. I come home; I put on jammies. I am whole once more.

Medical Professionals can teach nutrition classes, given their background in Organic Chem, Physiology, Biology, Krebs cycle, ADP, ATP and a couple million other things that deal with nutriton..

Nutritionists are the new Communications majors and naturopaths are every bit as quacky as Oz. The fuck outta here with that shit.

"Frankly if I wanted dietary advice I'd try to find a decent naturopath or consult a nutritionist."

A male friend actually lost 100 lbs playing dance, dance revolution and I lost about 25 doing wii stuff, so video games can help. But I don't see why knitting or crosswords wouldn't be just as effective by his theory. You could also constantly paint your nails..wait until dry, take off and repeat until you're a

Naturopathy is pseudoscience.

ok. That is incredibly, unbelievably, astoundingly dumb. BUT, there definitely is a de-stressifcation (for me anyhow) in putting on nice clean comfy pj's. Are pj's magic? Probably not- but they sure are wonderful. Pajamas rule is all I'm saying.