
I get what you're saying; this is something I debate within my own head all the time. I still don't have an answer because it's empowering on some fronts (she's reaping monetary benefits from this; it buttresses her sexual image, which is what part of her pop fame is built on; being a sexual object isn't de facto

Yes, completely dismiss what Potatoe said with a dumb reply. She didn't say anything of the sort you've alluded to. I don't know if she is necessarily correct, but there is something worth parsing in her comment.

btw, what do you mean with BLACK womens sexuality? Do you think I can't criticize a woman fairly because she is black?

There is a lot of talk why gender equality has stalled. In my opinion, one reason is that while legally in many countries women and men have equal rights, there are more subtle things to tackle now - as general gender roles, stereotyping and bias. And I really believe one of the reasons that we are not progressing

God I miss Will.

No, it's not cheating. But it doesn't have to be cheating to not be acceptable.

Having a Tinder account isn't cheating - it's preparing to cheat.

Nah. If my man had a Tinder account, I'd curb his ass. Sure, it could be that he's not planning on cheating, but most people don't wake up one day and say, "I'm going out to make it happen tonight" or whatever. It's a slow burn, most of the time. And while there are a lot of people who are okay with ONS, many aren't.

I do not mind my boyfriend looking, or even sometimes engaging in nice tasteful polite flirting. This happens when you are out in public, engaging with others. But to download an app to your phone built for the specific purpose of looking at others while we are together (like I mean in the same room, spending time

I thought the immaculate conception was just that she was born without sin—not that she was a virgin birth too.

A lot of them really do. Many don't bother thinking about it (or thinking about it much) but a lot of them do believe it.

The Immaculate Conception does not refer to Jesus' birth. It refers to Mary, Jesus' mom, being born without sin.

What is it about white people (and other nonblack PoC) getting overly familiar with the word nigga? Like, I'm serious. What compels you to just think that's some cool shit to say to people? Like, how the fuck does that work? Enlighten me. Please.

Maybe I'm just overly optimistic (or pessimistic depending on your viewpoint) but I find it hard to believe when I hear large swaths of people believe in some of the bible's more outlandish stories. I think it's just people trying to obnoxiously convey how "CHRISTIAN!!!" they are. People don't actually believe in

And how many of them knows the difference between the Virgin Birth and Immaculate Conception?

Hunch : He did it!
Police : What makes you think so?
Hunch : I dunno. Something about his hair.

The Encylopedia Brown remark made me spit my coffee. So, you regularly have dinner with the chief of police, and when he's onto a case he just can't crack, he'll take his notebook out of his breast pocket and let you have a whack at it? "But wait ... you said he wore a BLUE hat when he walked into the room! Case

Oh, honey, he's not merely morally bankrupt, you know that POS hasn't got two shekels to rub together. She'll end up getting a Nintendo Cube and some lint if she's lucky.

I hope she bankrupts his amoral ass.

An excellent way to make sure WOC or poor women don't feel left out is to focus solely on what two very young, very wealthy, and privileged white women have to say about it.