
As a wife of professor, I will point out that my husband would get some terrible reviews from students (both male and female), however his reviews drastically changed to five stars once he started bringing our dog into class.

Miss South Carolina from a few years back (of "US Americans and such as" fame) could have made a better statement. Yikes.

"The United States of America is awesome," she said. "We are awesome. But we've had this discussion. We've closed the book on it, and we've stopped doing it. And the reason they want to have this discussion is not to show how awesome we are. This administration wants to have this discussion to show us how we're not

When my car got broken and my stereo and CDs were stolen into everyone I knew was careful to point out that I was an "alleged" victim of theft.

I'm not a West Wing fan (I started watching only a couple of years ago, and it was too dated for me and I don't like Sorkin characters' dialogue) but I noticed that CJ Cregg is often used to defend/partially defend him. BUT, I also once heard/read that CJ Cregg was originally a male character, which a woman happened

This show is the most Aaron Sorkin-ey of Aaron Sorkin-ey things that ever Aaron Sorkin'd their way out of Aaron Sorkin's mind.

I mean, I guess that's true on some level. But I can say with pretty great confidence that I can relate to men as people, as human beings. And, while rape may disproportionally affect women, it certainly is not something that only affects women. I'm not sure that in this respect that being a victim of rape

There, fixed it for you

"Marry him, whoever he is — marry him now while you still can while you're young and attractive even though he's kind of a jerk he just needs someone to nurture him and then recede into the background you can be his assistant like my friend Donna and her husband Josh and just don't ask too many questions but don't end

And those 5 minute long speeches that Sorkin characters are known to deliver spontaneously, dispensing wisdom? Her's would be dating advice to a young female intern.

Throughout most of his career, Sorkin has portrayed his female characters as "your sister, your daughter, your roommate," not as actual 3 dimensional human beings that possess a full range of emotions. That is why so many of us have been so critical of his female characters for so long - because he is unable to view

And she would be incessantly dressed down by her much smarter male Chief of Staff. And she would repeatedly interrupt international peace-talks to discuss a passive aggressive text from a law school friend. I mean, yeah blah blah blah Israel — but what did Margot mean by "Good to see you"????? Also: showtunes.

which Sorkin posited his belief that if he'd "written The Newsroom under a pseudonym, the reaction would've been much different."

the bold move of saying maybe a rape victim wasn't raped.

Really? I love cock over dick. Dick makes me sound like a highschool boy. Cock is so dirty and...HNNNG

Cock, cunt and fuck always struck me as a complete set. All equally succinct and visceral. I can see how some would find them a bet aggressive.

As a guy, I think "cock" is sexier than "dick," it has a fuller sound (dick has that thin "i" sound, and no one wants their penis to sound thin), but I realize I might be a minority here, and I guess women might feel better saying "dick" vs. "cock." I suppose "cock" is a little bit dirtier or whatever.

With the dudes I've had sex with, it's pussy or some personal nickname that we agreed upon together. "Kitty" was a nice one, actually, for me. I don't mind "pussy" but "kitty" is softer and sweeter somehow. Maybe I'm just a weirdo.

Vulva, while correct and appropriate in a whole lot of settings is fucking terrible for sex. If a guy commented on my vulva during sex, I can assure you that his dick would be nowhere near anything of mine.