
And this is why everyone who questioned the reporter initially said it was poor journalism. The consequences of her lack of journalistic responsibility could hurt rape victims. The sad truth is her story will probably be used as a way to discount the real issue of campus sexual assaults throughout the country.

No, the Rolling Stone article should not stop the bill, but Boehner and McConnell will.

If, and this question is of a purely scholarly nature, one were so inclined as to accidentally happen across these other sites with better design and functionality, where on the intertubes would they be found?

Which ones? I love PB...

*cough* *cough*

So if one were to frequent that site for whatever it is they do where would one go now assuming they don't trust Demonoid? I'm asking for a friend naturally.

I love the chasm between our (Americans) limited understand of royalty and how it works in Britain. There is literally no analogue in our history and our society and the idea of a spectacularly different social protocol for a tiny sliver of people is completely alien to us. And our lack of knowledge seems to be

They did dunk King Charles I's head into a basket, didn't quite stick if I recall.

There is no limit to how much more I would respect the institution of the British monarchy if they determined their King/Queen via dunk contest.

These rules are so incredibly ridiculous I can't believe that adults would taker that sort of thing seriously - especially while here in the U.S.

Right? I LOVE that that damp pit is ALL OVER HER GLOSSY HAIR

Wasn't there a war that we fought and didn't we dump some tea in a harbor or something so we didn't have to follow their dumb protocols and pay taxes supporting their royal welfare recipients? I feel like I read about that somewhere. ** humming the Star Spangled Banner loudly*

1. Obligate carnivore doesn't mean what you think it means. Dogs are not obligate carnivores. Humans are omnivores, we have evolved to make use of multiple resources of food: plant animal and even fungi.

It's called "convert's zeal." And it's a real thing. The good news is that it tends to cool off over time. The bad news is that there are always new converts to bother you.

They did that at the co-op I worked at ALL THE TIME. We also had militant vegans angry about the (certified organic) meat counter, so they would buy meat and leave it to rot behind cereal boxes and whatnot. I worked in grocery and those were the worst surprises to find.

When I worked at Whole Foods, we'd call it the Vegan Rage: vegans would come in to the Whole Body department just to go off about the evils of selling animal products, or because most of the supplements had gelatin capsules. I can think of few things more obnoxious and pointless than going off on a captive audience of

Wait — they told you to rub lemon all over and wrap yourself up in paper?

So is it possible to be partially vegan or is it like being partially pregnant? ? Just wondering

Now playing

What brought you back from the dark side? Was it cheese?

I like Azealia Banks. I think she says some fucked up things sometimes but I like her honesty. I also always have a soft spot for a woman can't help but insert her opinion even when she gets a lot of shit for it b/c like I have felt that way a lot of times.