
Definitely the same guy. He tried the younger age and didn't get any responses so he went with 37 to appeal to the women who feel sorry for older "nice guys".

Could be! Or all the other horrible shit that's been going down this year that basically makes it impossible to want to be in a happy uplifting spirit.

Well, at least she was strangled to death before being set on fire. Silver lining and all since immolation is considered one of the most painful ways to die.

The money has to go somewhere. I worked at a Banana Republic and GAP at a mall in a wealthy area and on busy days or around the holidays, we would do about $30,000-40,000 worth of business, and about $10-$15,000 of it would be cash. Bank deposits would be made, but at some point that shit is locked away in a safe

Something tells me they are on drugs. What kind of drugs, I cannot say.

Dead eyes, great cheek bones. Yup, American Eagle employees.

Both Cervantez and Mallory are also suspects in an August burglary at American Eagle where more than $18,000 was stolen.

I thought it was going to be televised.

I'm pleased that the revolution is starting but they need to go after bigger targets next time. An assistant manager isn't all that powerful. Go for the CEOs from now on.

While I find the British and other royals entertaining, I am happy that the children of the U.S. have no concept of royalty outside of cartoons. Which is has it should be. They are celebrities with titles at this point. Nothing wrong with that.

I bet the kids were really disappointed when they found out she wasn't a real princess either.

As usual, the problem is never the problem. The problem is TALKING about the problem.

And those women will screech all of the time and they won't know the difference between Georgia the country and Georgia the state. It will be like Coven with terrible clothes and a brave white guy finally telling it like it i-t is.

"Quit saying bad things about me that are true!" said Aaron Sorkin as he shoved his hands deeply in his pockets, put his head down to his chest and kicked the nearest rock.

I'm sure his next show will be about a brave, intelligent tv and film writer who attempts to nobly tell it like it is with his scripts while being beset on all sides by shrewish, ungrateful women, one of whom is named "Schmalena Schmith."

ETA: He can call the show "Penis Mightier Than the Sword."

Do not insult Tammy Faye Baker.

The West Wing continues to top my list of all-time favorites, but I wouldn't touch this show with a ten foot pole.

This is Texas. Federal laws are for other states.

Because of Dave's story, I now know what the "H" stands for in Jesus' name. Thanks Dave!