
I work in the legal industry, and the market is SO HARD right now. Please don't feel guilty about getting a job through your connections. You likely had to make a good impression on someone along the way, right? And you still have to do the work! So if anything, I would just advise continuing to be grateful and

Well, in my experience the paid legal clerking positions are all about who knows the judge best. They like local people who aren't likely to move; I looked good because my family has been in the same county since 1829. But to get one if you don't have long term familial connections within the area, I suggest making

You have all the good vibes I can give, and OMG they tried to hire an attorney for a secretary position?

I have been regularly frequenting the sign-offs here for months with bad news about how much I hated moving back home after law school because my mother had a terminal cancer diagnosis. Thanks to everyone who has advised me in this tumultuous process. I am in therapy, but being able to hear back from people who have

Getting out of a 5 year relationship. It sucks. He cheated on me multiple times and I know staying with him is just telling him that I allow it. Low self esteem here... will anyone ever love me sob story. I know I'll be fine but today just sucks and needed to get it out there. Tomorrow will be better, right?

I feel your pain. Studying isn't for everyone (including me, but I was able to scrape by and get the damn degree). Have you thought about trade school? I'm not asking that because I don't think you can hack it, I'm asking because it really is a better fit for some people (me included!) and is also likely to lead to

Not sure if anyone will remember, but I wrote about interviews and waiting to hear back about a PR job I thought I'd gotten a couple of weekends ago. Update: still waiting to hear.
I've been given the wink-wink, nudge-nudge but still no official contract. Apparently they're wrangling with internal loopholes and I'll

It's stressful for sure, but you can handle it! Just take full advantage of student health services, and be kind to yourself. Best of luck!

I'm getting married on Wednesday y'all! San Francisco City Hall, bought my dress for $27, and my daughter / flower girl may be dressed as Batgirl. We're eating BBQ after. Or maybe finding a pub.

Well, shite. Sounds like you need 6 red wines to go with your cupcakes :(

Blah, that sucks. TREAT YO SELF.

Sweet Jesus. I was dumped 3 hours ago. I'm having chicken salad and 6 red velvet cupcakes for dinner.

Actually, the FBI says that 8% of cases are unfounded not necessarily false. If 5% of those are false, that is still much higher than most other reported index crimes.

And I can understand how a situation like that can be overwhelming for a young woman. But the level of harm she has done to rape victims is tragic. I have a close friend who was brutally sexually assaulted by home invaders in an off campus apartment- she almost died from it. When she read this story, it brought back

Motivation for making this up. More likely version of events considering the news:

People are willing to call her a liar because her trusted confidants are calling her a liar. They actually aren't using that word, but saying things like they were "misled." If you read Jackie's account of friends saying she should have enjoyed the rape by hot fraternity guys and please don't report this because they

I'm one to automatically believe rape victims and accusers, but Jackie came of a bit unhinged in the Post article. It wasn't so much the discrepancies that the frat pointed out, but what her friends and Jackie herself were saying. She changed her story multiple times. The vicious injuries she described weren't visible

Coming from a more conservative corner than probably 99% of non-trolls reading this, I would just like to remind everyone that:

Nothing in her story checks out. Literally nothing. Her 'friend' who was quoted by Rolling Stone, who is involved in an anti-rape group on campus, gives a completely different account of her allegations.

he already called the girl's dad. That poor family is probably battening down the hatches in preparation for an absolute shitstorm, whether or not Johnson "got" the right girl