
Paula Deen looks like she's only got 3 eyelashes around each eye with so much mascara coating them.

Ah, a glimpse of my future...haha

I am not even going to address the obvious stupidity on the gender aspect. Everyone else will.

I never got my belly button pierced, but I have an ill-fated rebellion hole in the labret. I can still stick things in it too!


This is the first time in recent memory I've been proud of my country. Never worked a day in your life and you're trying to tell working people how to dress? Eat an inbred dick. If I ever met the royal family I would show up wearing nothing but a soiled diaper and an American flag pin. For freedom. (Not really, I'm

Now playing

I suspect for the reporters it's less showing up in a suit and more being told to wear a suit by British Royal Family.

I mean, with you in theory, but if I had to lug camera equipment and cables and what not around in a goddamn skirt, I'd be pissed too.

Question: If Prince William got hair plugs, do you think the world would hold it against him and ridicule him for doing it?

What? they were just doing what every jezzie does and slightly editing their username to refer their partner / kids. So I'd use Mr Monkyvirus and babymonkys or something, it doesn't actually imply anything about the person

Perhaps this was the cue card guy?

And yet, you like musicals now, right? Peter Pan is a children's musical. My 6 and 8 year old will not be inspired by Avenue Q or Book of Moron. But I can tell you they loved Peter Pan and they are already singing the songs today. Why is this a bad thing? You guys all have sticks up your asses, seriously.


The sneak peeks during the commercials with Walken just wailing a note were hysterical! Reminded me of the Three Amigos holding that long note during their theme song.

I have seen a number of musicals on Broadway. This isn't "theatre", this was a live staging on tv. It was cute and my kids loved it and if they come away with loving musical theatre after watching these things, then I am happy.

My mom loves watching Christopher Walken on SNL because he just stands there and reads off the cue cards. He doesn't even try to look other places or disguise it in amyway.

so i only watched 1 hour and 10-15min of that mess, when boys and pirates appeared on screen, this is was my 1st thought, this scene played in my head over and over, i have no idea why

Somebody needs to dub a Marnie orgasm scene with the rooster crowing from that last clip.

I hate co-opting posts, but please, can you guys cover the ongoing protests in NYC? An LRAD sound cannon was turned on peaceful protesters last night, hundreds of us were arrested, many were sprayed with pepper spray, and hundreds more were shoved around by the cops, pushed to the ground, intimidated, and chased down

And lighthouse-bright teeth!