
We were watching her cook on the Today show on Thanksgiving and saying this same thing - she looks insanely great for her age. And not in a plastic surgery kind of way. Like she's aging naturally, but just better than everyone else.

Reminds me of the witch from spirited away!

someone posted a link to Martha talking about her skincare routine. Even ignoring the cost of the elixirs, it is INTENSE. Takes work to preserve yourself like she does. I can't even use my clarisonic brush for a measly 60 seconds before bed 90% of the time

My 3-year-old niece's "Why is she singing so loud?" during Allison Williams's last song made me bust something laughing. Now my niece is mad at me because it took me several minutes to stop laughing. It was her honest confusion that got me.

So...Oprah was lion to us?

Was there ever any doubt that it was photoshpped?! It looks like a fucking painting.

None of that would offend me, and why should it white people don't get offended by race because our race does not define us(nobody defines white people by their race except when it comes to dancing) you have to go after our ethnicity to have any chance of insulting us.(and even that will not work if the person you are

I understand that, that is why this parody video is a failure.

This is pointless and actually counter-productive. The idea that you can show white people how hurtful ethnic themed parties are by having a white party implies that there is or ever could be such a thing as reverse-racism. There simply aren't any stereotypes of white people that white people can be injured by. White

Mayo is gross

Well, White Trash Parties are an old college tradition:

"Would any of that make you feel uncomfortable?"

If I really wanted to impress a man, I would laugh at his jokes to make him feel funny, and ask him questions about himself to make him feel special and show I'm interested. I also make cakes for guys on special occasions. Or give him a sexy dance because it would turn him on and hopefully lead to more. No, really

she was so right, showing that if they FUCKING GAVE A SHIT, they would be across the street helping kids.

Let's be real, no self-respecting WASP would ever let their progeny participate in a reality television show. Appearing on a reality television show results in the automatic forfeiture of your WASP card, unless you are Martha Stewart, an honorary WASP who earned hers through appearing very WASPy on television. It's a

It's compensation. The woman's right and he knows exactly what he intended by having that camera around his neck around women entering an abortion clinic, so he pulls the "silly little woman yap yap yap" face because he's got nothing.

That wide-barrel curling iron got a fucking WORK OUT during the photo shoot for those Bachelor contestant profile photos.

I do pro-choice clinic escorting in the Midwest. I was struck by how much less hostile the British protestors are.

Right? He's sort of snickering and yet end ups moving away, folding in on himself — all the body language of someone who's just been righteously whapped on the nose with a newspaper.

I'm black and I think the hashtag is ingenious. White people are in general NOT listening to black people, but they ARE listening to other white people and therefore when white people say "Hey, heads up. Black people aren't crazy, this is unfair. I've done WORSE than Mike Brown and I got a pat on the back."