
I truly believe their end-game on this and the Oklahoma case is separation of church and state, too, which is completely awesome.

She was singing with a track, and the beginning of that song the is horrible for timing. It's just a bunch of chord changes with no warning. You really have to internalize the timing to change when it changes. So, she's twirling her hand at the music to move on past the intro (when the piano comes in is where you get

I don't really like either of these people but I am puzzled by many people's expectations that entertainment stars are somehow required to comment on stuff like this. I really don't care if any of the people I follow weigh in on politics or social issues. It just isn't something I expect out of them.

Racism everywhere. Who's the maddest people? White people. . . No, you watch the TV, watch 60 Minutes. You see white people pissed off, man. Man, the white man thinks he's losing the country. You watch the news: ''We're losing everything. We're fucking losing.

Azealia Banks also had some interesting stuff to say about homophobia vs the misogyny in gay culture.

Yeah, Taylor's lived in the south long enough to know what "Bless her heart" means.

LOL. First thing I thought of.

Pepperidge Farms remembers

Looked like a "I can't hear myself in the monitor, crank it up" motion.. especially as she fiddles with her ear piece >.< I know that move well -_-

And she clearly still sounds good, sooo...about that 99%...LOL And before you bring up any "flat" or "off" notes, every singer has at least one. You will rarely hear a live performance with all of the notes completely perfect and on the spot. An instrument is one thing because you can look at it and go "If I do abc,

she was monkeying with her in-ear monitors. i wonder if she was having some problems hearing herself.

I agree, she appears to be messing with her IFB a couple times so it's possible she either couldn't hear herself or hear the music very well, both of which would make singing pretty difficult.

I have that reaction pretty much every time Deadspin runs one of these isolated vocal articles. The significant majority of readers laughing about this couldn't touch any of these notes if their lives depended on it.

I think some of this can be attributed to outdoor performance. She does well enough until around 1:43.

Still better than a lot of other people have done.

Agree, she seems to be using a lower register than usual(but it's hard to tell minus the entire arrangement ) then the voice goes. I'm not a huge fan, but you have to admit she was a gamer and slogged thru it....

I'm sorry but this is bullshit. If you heard probably 99% of the pop stars these days sing live "unplugged" with no reverb or accompaniment I doubt it would be much better. Beyonce can't sing half as well. Mariah has some def vocal problems, wear and tear from all the riffing and over singing, but this is unfair

I don't know a lot about singing (I know nothing about singing), but the turn around, arm waiving motion at 0:55 is definitely a "I'm gonna need A LOT of help with this one, back up singers" motion, right?

Christina Aguilera.

In my life, I've never heard anyone (other than Alicia Keys) who ruins a song more by over-singing it than Mariah Carey. I'll never understand her popularity.

She's actually doing pretty OK until around 50 seconds in, then it all goes downhill.