
Take him shopping. It's likely that he decided what kinds of things he would wear ages ago and just buys new/bigger versions of the same shit now out of habit. Just be like "Oh man, I love that blue shirt, we have to get you in more blue!" and then take him out for some gentle shopping. It'll be fine if you do it

Will/Living will. Get on that ish.

You need a durable/health care power of attorney for your old man ASAP. This woman should not be in charge of his finances and she should NOT be taking care of his medical stuff, especially if your mom didn't trust her. If things are really bad with his health, you need to get a POA as soon as humanly possible.

Nope, nope. nope. She should not be in charge of his finances without anyone looking them over. Have her unlink her account and get access to his. She can pay his bills and someone in you family can make sure she doesn't drain his account. Nothing about this sounds right, especially the listing herself, a non family

Don't worry about sussing out the girlfriend thing in advance, just go for it. He'll tell you whether or not he is available, there's no reason to be suspicious at this point in time. Have fun!

Honey, you aren't from the South are you?

When this all kicked off a couple of years ago a commenter on this site it is because the evangelicals believe Jesus is coming back in Israel so it needs to be protected by the US. Most of my information on this has come from the very knowledgable commenters on this site.

Easy solution: tell the craziest girlfriend about this in passing. "Oh, jeeze. Theres Becca. She thinks she's sly and we don't know she rubs up on our boyfriends like a cat in heat when we aren't looking. I feel really bad for her. You know, that something happened to her that made her self esteem so low she has to

Related to both assholes who think they're keeping it real and condescending sexist pricks: people who misinterpret their total lack of emotional intelligence as them always being logical and you always being emotional. Nope, buddy, your emotions actually are playing a part in this subjective conflict we're having,

I've seen a couple of professors act that way towards servers as well. Both of them went straight from undergrad to their PhD and neither of them of worked outside of academia. There's a lot to be said for understanding just how fucking difficult jobs like being a waiter or working in retail can be. Until you've

- Pedantry. Do not ever start a sentence with "Actually..." and expect me to like you.

I have a friend who was in a very similar situation. The 'predatory' girl went so far as to invite herself over to the apartment that my friend and her boyfriend share - while my friend wasn't home. They drank wine, she spilled it on herself and took her pants off because of it - and the guy was like, "Oh, hohum,

If you trust your boyfriend, it doesn't matter WHAT she does. She could whisper filthy things in his ear and strip down to nothing, and if he doesn't want to fuck her, he won't.

We went through a tight time where we would panic if library books were overdue because every penny mattered and we didn't want to pay fines. I was shopping for kids clothes at church thrift shops (omg great deals on high end stuff, especially wealthy towns!) Things got a lot better for us, and I bet they will for

Tell your boyfriend you don't want to hang out with her anymore. She sounds like The Worst. How is the rest of the group not already annoyed by her behavior? I say be straight with them - "Look, I have to be honest with you guys, I'm tired of Becky's inappropriate behavior with guys. I've seen her flirt with all

They need the Jews to be in Israel for the rapture. I can't really say if that's the whole reason for the love? I think in the US anyway it's far more political than that. I'm from a country that has Lutheranism as the State religion, and there is no where near the same kind of support for Israel there. But at least

I'm gonna sound like a little child... But here I go:

Honestly, the older I get, the less tolerance I have for that kind of shit. She's not a good friend, she's not someone you need to be around. Cut her out, and make it clear to your mutual friends why you're doing it. If they're smart they'll cut her out too.

That ridiculous list of dealbreakers the other week got me thinking: what are some qualities you can't stand in other people? Here are a few of mine:

I'm insanely envious of everyone's life. Everyone seems to have good shit going like buying houses, getting married, getting new dogs, going on great vacations and generally being happy. My husband and I are really struggling despite me being in a good job and not living beyond our means.