
I'd rather see a film about her mother Mary Wollstonecraft who wrote "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman".

Surrogacy just raises a lot of problems there's not clear answer to.

Same. You are already dropping a shit ton of money for those procedures, so why not take the money and adopt a child that is already here? Trust that your genes are not that fucking special that the world would collapse if you didn't have a biological kid.

I feel like, if you are looking into surrogacy, you should make it clear in the contract before inserting fertilized eggs that you have no interest in raising any potential disabled children, so that the surrogate knows going into it that she might have to abort, keep the disabled child, or give it up for adoption.

On the last quote- but... They ARE sex offenders. It's accurate. It's not like they drunkenly peed in public. ITS AN ACCURATE THING THAT THEY ARE.

Totally! I got major blue steel vibes from that picture up top.

Fellen? If that's pronounced even remotely close to felon, that may be one of the world's most accurate names out there.

Lets just be honest here- there IS no better defense than "a big black guy did it." Nothing gets cops drooling quite like that phrase.

Just do it! I don't wear "natural" makeup, but I rock green and blue eyeliner like nobody's business. At that point it literally is just face paint, not even like you're trying to cover anything up, because bright make up draws attention to the fact that you're wearing makeup. It's just fun.

Can't Mattel sue? They took Bratz to task and those dolls are nothing like Barbie, and here you have a guy who directly set out to look like Ken creating a doll who looks like him who looks like Ken. It's a Ken doll. Sue that shit.


I used to yell this idea at my older sister all the time when I was a kid because I was angry at her for starting to wear makeup. Something like, "Well why dont you just wear a mask since your own face is too ugly for you!!!!"

Where's my flying car?!

To be fair, if I ran into his hairdresser, I would punch him as well.

The frosted tips, the wrap around shades, the "flame" shirt, he's like a walking time capsule of a mid to late 90's suburban kid trying to be rebellious...

Best news story of 2013 was Guy Fieri getting into a fistfight with his hairdresser.

I don't know who this Lisa Vanderpump person is, but her name sounds like a stage name for a burlesque dancer. Or porn.

Did I just watch a woman tell me to buy premade cakes and can frosting and then just add food coloring and choking hazards to it? Wtf Food Network? How low are you aiming now?