
Any excuse to post the always-welcome (in my book) young Howard Dean

I'm surprised that anyone would even consider this surprising. He's handsome at 71. When that happens, it's generally not a mysterious superpower someone developed later in life.

Q: Why did the skinheads accept him?

Haha. I know, me too. It's like when you suddenly develop an insane crush on some goofball that's been in the friend zone it's just gonna be awkward.

Oh, man. Script is not for the novice tattooer.


I'm a professional equestrian, so I got horseshoes on the top of my feet. Top comments "are you a colts fan?" & "shouldn't those be on the bottom?"

Ohohoho, sorry baby brother. Sorry.

There is a guy in the bike community I'm a part of who has huge, huge black bars on every appendage. He's a bit racist sometimes but he does take constructive criticism on that and he doesn't start any fights. We think he must have had some similar experiences.

He looks like a young Brando:

I have a tattoo of Larry David. It's his head on an ant body. I call it "Larry David the piss ant".

Not gonna lie...a young Joe Biden?

I wouldn't call mine a disaster, but the artist did slip a little bit, making one of the words in my tattoo pretty much unreadable.

Guy I work with has a swastika tattooed over his left pec. 8" across. He has "88" on his right pec. He did seven years in the state pen in CA for stealing a car, plus running from the cops, plus the after party when he fought the cops when they finally got him stopped. This was about 15 years ago. The thing is

I knew a guy once who had the classic drunken blackout tattoo moment, except that when he woke up with a brand new mystery tattoo, his was beautiful and said "Karate Explosion" in gorgeous script with pretty curlicues and stuff. Did he do karate? No he did not. Does he know where he got the tattoo? No he does not.

I got 'all things will pass' on my back and the phrase means so much to me that I then got it as a chest piece, no regrets < I also have that on my wrist.

My friend used to tell the following story: "One time I was about to fuck this girl, but she had a bunch of crabs tattooed above her pussy. So I didn't fuck her because how could you fuck a girl with crabs tattooed above her pussy?" Guess which part of that story he later admitted wasn't true? God love him.

not my tattoo, BUT:

Who or what is the authority that definitively declares that Behavior X is insensitive, inappropriate, or otherwise "bad"?

I don't know if she does this shit because she's unaware, thinks it's funny, wants to be down or genuinely doesn't care if she's rude or offensive.