
You know, gross sexual life aside, I've never understood what people see in his work. I've always thought he was a derivative, no-talent hack, personally. He is to writing what Terry Richardson is to photography.

Meryl has always had the most amazingest bone structure. Look at that face. LOOK AT IT.

Stepdaughter Chic

Now I want some black lace gloves to be more like her...

"Psst! Did you notice RBG was wearing her Full Quaker Badass collar today?!?! We are fuuuuucked!" -Thomas to Scalia, in my imagination

I was at an event once where RBG and my grandmother somehow got involved in a long discussion. I was standing by gawking at her until time was up and I had to say "I'm sorry to interrupt, but Bubbe we have to sit down now."

I love imagining her picking out her collars based on how pissed she is at a decision. "Oh, I am going full-on starched cotton on this bitch!"

The women of the Supreme Court are really holding it down for Progressive Constitutional interpretation. More power to them. I met Sotomayor the other day; she is also awesome and brilliant.

I understand what is meant by, "you have no culture of your own". In terms of, white people who have lived in Paramus, New Jersey for 3 generations do not have any traditions that include traditional dress, ceremonies, etc. I would go ahead and agree with that sentiment. I would also agree with the sentiment that my

I was honestly surprised, and glad, that the police locked the place down until they found him. To me they seemed to be taking it seriously instead of just doing the whole "she was drunk and thus it wasn't rape" thing.

i don't know. i'm taking the whole thing as they were both super drunk and started having sex in public. the "do you want this" sounds like the bystander is asking if she wants to be doing this - having sex in public and being photographed, etc.

As an aside, Zimmerman had another encounter with the cops and it is delicious. He was in a parked car outside of a gun store in the middle of the night. Zimmerman explained that he's homeless and that the store, whose owner gave him a free gun for murdering Trayvon Martin, had recently been robbed and he was

It all began with Adam, the first of the pussified nation, who kept his mouth shut and watched everything fall headlong down the slippery slide of hell/feminism when he shut his mouth and listened to his wife who thought Satan was a good theologian when he should have lead her and exercised his delegated authority as

Its literally like...chapter one of How To Start A Cult for Dummies.

Anybody who uses the word pussified doesn't have any place criticizing other people for a lack of self esteem.

I've been wanting to use this.

I don't get it. Presumably Mark Driscoll as the head of a large and surprisingly influential religious group is surrounded by like-minded people. From what I've heard of Mars Hill, dissent is not tolerated and noncompliant church members are shunned. He surrounds himself with probably agree wholeheartedly with him.