
damn you kinja. Crush on Dutch high school teacher so maybe that's why I find that brand of accent so hot.

I think it's dutch. And I don't know about it being sexy but a Dutch accented English! I did have a hue crush on a

Michael Savage is either the biggest megalomaniac alive today OR he's a brilliant performer living as a caricature of right wing crazy. Sometimes he is almost almost too perfect, too obscene, just too damn absurd to not be satire! But I haven't listened in awhile.

Can you truly not see that Patti got caught up in the moment? The murder weapon is a beaded scarf. Her crime is an excess of enthusiasm.

Buy plants, don't try to start from seed! I got super ambitious and was gonna get heirloom seeds blah blah blah. DISASTER. Some things like carrots, peas, lettuce sure but go to your local farmers market and get veggie plants that have already been started.

Yes. It's a beautiful film that's well acted and really compelling.

please tell me that's pronounced "shart-wells". What a fabulous name for a food service company.

Now that is conversation that I'd at the very least enjoy listening to and would love to be a part of. I love erotica and I will talk on and on with anyone, anywhere about good romance and erotic writing because it has helped me a lot in life both as an escape and an exploration and discovery of my own sexuality. So

Yes. This. This was my issue but then I sorta found myself in a corner being asked why I was defending the book. Someone else made some good points about how being sex positive doesn't mean being positive about all sex and then you I think pointed out that you actually read the book and there wasn't much sex in it.

"That's why feminist critique isn't all "Sex positivity! You go, girl!" Because it isn't sex positive to paint this as a healthy relationship."

My objection: It seems to me this book is a favorite target of media disdain because it's erotic smut for middle aged women and so something to be mocked and derided. We make tons of movies that cater to BS male fantasies, something about the constant crap thrown at this movie has stuck in my craw because it feels

I am truly sorry to hear that. I am glad you left and I hope you are in a better place.

Do you believe that this book is contributing to the domestic violence problem in our country? How? Like is it causing women to seek out abusive relationships? Stay in them? Is it normalizing/fetishizing domestic violence and when women read it they go, "oh he's just trying to do Christian Grey BDSM with me, not beat

What I don't get is why Jezebel, which is supposed to be "feminist" has decided it needs to tear this book a new asshole for not being... what? There was a post on here a few days ago about how there's money to be made making romance novels into movies for women and then all everyone is doing is tearing into a movie

I totally don't. Did you hear about Princess Kate, she's pregnant again!

that was the book that got me hooked on romance novels.

who would play Dain?

sorry, meddling baby fingers. I want some Ilona Andrews. Her edge series is such quality writing but really, Kate Daniels would be a great series to make.

I would be able to die a com

Yes me too. I'm positive and constructive but not dedicated enough I guess. What gives?!