
She's lovely!

That is AWESOME. I lost 40lb this year and am walking a bunch and it makes me feel so empowered. I love your attitude. Get it girl.


Does this person think about anything? Because all I see are gifs. In response to a deliberate attempt by Von Trapp to engage in substantive discourse on the topic at hand- a bunch of smarmy gifs.

I have a 16 month old and reading this and then looking at him breaks my heart.

Just wait.

Vinegar strokes...

No. No. You can be sexual and be a feminist. Seriously, all we ask is that you treat us like fellow human beings. Don't give up on finding a partner or a fellow traveler in this life.

I hear you about the status deferential but honestly, as you get older your home-life starts to eclipse your professional life. Not 100% but it helps you, it sustains you, it means a lot and I think devoting 100% of your life to status isn't the end-all, be-all we've been raise to believe. You'll find more

My husband went to medical school and caution that is just the beginning!!! There's med-school, then there's the match so now residency, and what's that? Is that a fellowship? That's 10 years right there, minimum. So guess who is picking up the childcare and household responsibilities while he does this? Again, just

Dude maybe consider doing something else. I got a JD that cost SOOO much (emotional and monetary) andI could do what I am now doing at 31 and love and find so rewarding without a law degree Honestly that decision weighs heavily on me and I wish I'd confronted that same time period (24) when I didn't know what I

1) My husband is a surgeon and I once asked him if it was awkward looking at and probing naked people and he goes "they aren't naked people they are patients". I was like what?! And I brought up just this, what about sticking your finger in someones butt or dealing with butt/vagina problems and he sorta laughed and

Iron deficiency? Some kind of anemia? Go to doctor and go outside. Seriously, walking 5 days a week for 20 min is equivalent to a low dose of antidepressants. That can help with feeling tired, depressed, and your concentration. Maybe not fix it 100%! But sure as hell can't hurt.

Baby laundry is the worst. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to store it and I've finally settled on hanging up his clothes but it is the chore I dread the most right after vacuuming. I'd straight up rather clean a toilet any day than hang up all the tiny, teeny clothes and onesies ad nauseam and embark on a

do you have any theories about why? Mine is its demographics. Like they're all young and don't have real world experience with girls/women. I also get super tired of all the "good girls" rushing to be like "I'm cool, I'm down, i'm an egalitarian!"

imgur? Was it on imgur? Cause if so holla, I too waded into that morass. Imgur is fun but maybe it's the demographics because lately there's this straw woman anti-feminism circle jerk tendency that's driving me batty.

Start listening to Savage Love podcast. It's made me so much more open about talking about sex and I love hearing the dirty details about other people's sex lives. It's like "Dear Prudie" from Slate but all for sex/relationship things and it's so much fun.

I'm laughing so hard at Mr. and Mrs. Balls and Boobs McGee.

Okay this is kind of personal so instead of asking you about your sexual practices I'll just make a statement about mine: I like all different kinds of sex and expanding our repertoire to include non-penetrative sex and anal sex has meant way more intimacy in my marriage. Dan Savage likes to go on about how limited

See I tried it after I had a baby and I just did online/app-based points and it DID NOT work for me. I then went to my mom's nutritionist for a few months and have lost 40lbs (a year later). It was more expensive starting out but I saw results.