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Also you and all of the people who identify with this should watch Dan Savage's take on how to deal with parents like this. It's about "coming out"but it applies to setting all kinds of boundaries with your parents:

Right there with you but damn it's hard. I mean she's your mother and it is natural and right that you should want her love, affection, and approval but you mother is a person and that person is incapable of all of that so....

Surely he's not hating from Fiji!!!? How can you be angry in paradise?

I'll throw my son in the ring. He's their age and he's huge and he's hungry. He's a champion I tell ya!

Repeatedly and with much vigor and enthusiasm.

me too. I was like what are the chances there are two rapping azaleas?

Saw Charlie XCX on SNL and was like DAMN, that girl can sing and is a mesmerizing performer.

Could you outline Eric Garners role in his own death? Brown seems like a more murky situation though I'd argue that he wasn't doing much of anything worth a police stop but Garner did what exactly? Why did he deserve to die? As to your point about correlation and causation, prove to me the one causes another and it's

yeah adhd can cause paradoxical reactions to certain drugs. My mom gave me and my super, duper ADHD brother Benadryl before a cross country flight when I was like 8 and he was 5. I slept the whole flight and he was so damn amped they cleared the aisles and he just ran up and down for two hours. In the meantime

It'd be a relief for the parents too to have a kids section. Went to a local restaurant with a kids section and I enjoyed my dining experience soooo much more not worrying that my kid would flip out and piss other people off.

Ann Coulter is like the tinker bell of controversy: she will die without attention. Clap if you believe I somehow matter and am relevant!

Maybe, maybe not. But correlation =/= causation. Also I think that would assume all police conflict stems from crime and not profiling or disproportionate use of force. Michael Brown was jaywalking, Eric garner was selling loose cigarettes, Tamir Rice was playing in a public park and John Crawford was shopping at

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Everyone please check out Mike McCraes OUTSTANDING Bill-O impressions on the Jimmy Dore show. Especially his drunk dials. Uncanny and hilarious! Here's a taste:

And that may be the bs train they are arguing but it's bogus and allows them to avoid the real issue which is police behavior not tenuous speculations about minority responsibility for officially sanctioned disparate treatment.

loofah and falafel references are an absolute must!

Protestors: We are worried about police violence against young men of color.

Googled silkwood shower fully expecting it to be something far, far more disturbing than it was.

Oh he can do sex (see: 7 kids) but dollars to donuts he don't do sex well! Uptight and sanctimonious does not usually translate into a good, giving, and game lover.

Pressed play on the for same reason and have now been watching in a relaxed heap for 10 minutes.