
Chill out. Seriously, you've studied you've practiced tested and you are about to do a two day marathon of testing (is 2 days here). Take some time to sleep, eat, and get centered. Also exercise, go for walks. It clears your head and helps you let go of some of the stress. Ugh. Oh and just

The Bridge. The US version is okay and I definitely watch regularly but if you torrent the original Swedish/Danish one it's super good.

Dangerous Beauty. That was my introduction to the man and that movie is just so lush. The costumes are unbelievable!

Also being vegan takes a hell of a lot more than just a decision to up and do without first becoming educated about how to safely and healthily eat vegan. You need to make sure you get enough iron, protein, calcium and other essential dietary components from non-meat and dairy sources which isn't something you just

There is a Shapoopi and an Evry1poos in my area and my brother had tortfeasor as his for awhile. I love vanity plates! (and B1GD1KS$

Honestly I've no doubt I'll get there. I dipped my toe in the RH franchise with beverly hills and now am invested in that but I'm super curious about the real life inspiration for the Christian Barbie character. Is she really that cluelessly Christian and is her husband that obnoxious? Also is there an actual "dying

So I binge watched the whole Hotwives series and was in your position, no Real Housewives exposure. I laughed at the show but then felt like I wasn't getting some of the references and as I type this, Real Housewives of Beverly Hills is playing in the window next to it. The first season of RHoBH is the fodder for a

Damnit damnit damnit. I had these eyebrows! I was blonde with dark thick eyebrows and then in the late 90's when I was 15 my mom and friends were like you need to shape and wax and pluck and now I have too short eyebrows and the only place it wants to grow back is underneath. It seems like with beauty trends you truly

You left out the best part about victuals being shoved in food-messed face-holes.

The gathering involves communal seating, shared plates, festive music and fire-prepared victuals shoved into food-messed face-holes sans cutlery.

So I was wondering what has this guy been up to, it's been forever since I've seen him anywhere so I went looking and he died in 2002! If I'm reading between the Wikipedia lines correctly, he was shooting a film in China and after wrapping for the day he and other cast and crew members went out and partied and while

Dude Ares was the first to inspire some very adult feelings in my preteen self. He was the ultimate bad boy wearing those leather pants and vest with no shirt.

You're right, in my haste to comment I conflated the two and frankly should know better. I still think they are Orwellian in that "right to work" and "at will" both give this vibe of empowering workers and are advanced (often hand in hand) as being in the best interest of workers (my dad loves to talk about how they

No no no it's a "right to work state". See that way it sounds like its good for the employees! In truth you have a right to work until they decide they don't want you then you're out. Love the conservative tendency for Orwellian names.

Already in progress is the Satanic statue to be placed in the Oklahoma State Capitol building along side all the other religious monuments... I am 100% for this but guess who's not handling it with grace?

Yeah the cosleeping thing totally just happens when principles and plans fly out the window at 3:30am. I JUST WANT TO SLEEP!

Then you write really good porn, publish it and I will buy it. Do what your good at and as someone who likes erotic fiction but know I could never write it, I'm glad there are people like you!

I totally noticed the "he looks like his father" phenomenon and this was my guess for why it was said. Incidentally it happened most in the presence of him or his family. Just me and people would be like "he's such a good mix of you two!" My husband or his parents and people exclaim "he looks just like his father!"

The question I ask myself a lot is how can I be a part of hurrying that shit up!? I think that Occupy and the Arab Spring and a lot of the unrest in South America is some encouraging early signs. Change happens when people see that it's possible and I think it's huge when people realize that there are tons of people