
Wait what movie is this from (so I can go watch it posthaste)?

There's a great quote about corporations attributed to Baron Thurlow that I love to paraphrase: "corporations have no soul to save and no body to imprison".

I think it'd be great for some group to go out and offer to bring the case for free. Seriously, you want to watch some fucking backtracking real fast, bring a case for Muslim business owners and throw in some Jehovah's Witnesses and Christian Scientists and watch people scramble. Also if you could find a Satanist

Well put. I feel like Hobby Lobby would lose it's religious beliefs pretty damn fast if it meant losing it's liability protection and corporate tax benefits. I doubt the Greene family would choose to be poor and principled over rich and privately religious.

I kind of like a hairy chest. But Mr.Langley can't even grow a beard without getting this patchy hobo look so he's naturally pretty sparse. And I totally get your drift: it's nice to not have to pick through a forest for the tree.

Oh my god I cannot believe I forgot Illona Andrews originally! Kate Daniels is my favorite character . Thanks for the other recs, I've read most of the historical authors but there are some new ones in the other list I'm going to try ASAP. Katherine Kennedy is also a good fantasy writer.

Also I bet that a lot of guys would get WICKED razor burn. Plus hair can itch when it starts coming back in so after the extra credit was achieved you'd been in for a weird grow-out period with itchy stubble and ingrown hairs. I cannot imagine it'd be worth it unless you were already a swimmer or something. And what

How about we compromise if and when Hobby Lobby ceases to enjoy the protections and benefits of a corporate structure? You want to assert religious beliefs, then at the very least you should be capable of holding them. Corporations have no soul to save and they will never die: can't take communion, attend services, go

Noble Intentions made me laugh so hard. The carriage scene with the dogs!!!

Good for you! I've always wanted to give it a try but never really known where to start. What genre are you writing?

I cannot agree with you more about Victoria Dahl, Sarah MacLean, and Tessa Dare. Along with Julia Quinn and Eloisa James who are quality longtime players. They are all FABULOUS historical romance writers.

Such pretty dogs. Our dog Jezebel (named not for the website but the Babylonian queen who was eating by dogs) looks a lot like a ridge back and is that gorgeous red with heart shaped ears but she's from a NC pound and is probably just a mutt. BUT when she gets all snippety and up in arms has that distinct ridge of

THIS! There's so much pressure to breast feed because it's now viewed as the end all be all for nutrition and if you don't you are sentencing your child to a lifetime of being behind etc. etc. BUT, the reality of breastfeeding isn't then respected. If you are a working mother you need to pump A LOT and then get

I've always wondered about that exact thing. It's like all the variations of cleavage and side boob and under boob are titillating (pun intended) but a glimpse of a female nipple is taboo. In the meantime dudes are forever showing those very nipples!!! WTF?

Get them to add sleeves. The one I wanted had spaghetti straps and I said NO! No I will not wrestle a strapless bra all day, put on sleeves!

I put clear nail polish over the bites: it helps relieve itching and keeps you from messing with it.

See the incendiary nature of this case makes me think that a jury would easily just hear cannibal and all that shit and be like fuck it, lock the bastard up because he's scary and cannibalism is such a taboo.

I was totally in agreement with you until I heard more about those dossiers etc. Apparently he would plan, chat about it but more than 3 separate times the date that the "planning" was for would come and go and nothing would happen. Also apparently in the chat no mention of "WTF, where's the girl" (as in nobody

Ha, jumped the gun huh? Was the natural follow up, what's a penis?

my bad, thought you were the person I'd earlier asked to elaborate on the history of the law in AZ. I had been lazy and not directly read the statute and realize now I made an error :)