
Right I got that part my question was more about what the goal of legally mandating you provide your legal name during a detention was. Was this part of Arizona's anti-immigrant policies or more just a law and order I want to run you for warrants thing? As an east coast observer, AZ seems to have both a strand of

So now I've been thinking about this statute since you corrected my earlier misunderstanding (I conflated it with the one about driving and the illegal immigrant one). So my question to you is what was the impetus for this identification requirement? Was it the precursor to the more explicit one involving illegal

Yeah I just looked at the actual statute, my bad. Lazy of me not to just read the damn statute.

First off it's breathtakingly beautiful and so damn precise. BUT, from my experience you can make rhinestones cloudy if you mess with them with any kind of overcoat. Limited experience but the two times I've messed with rhinestones and any sort of clear protective coat, I've regretted not leaving well enough alone

Dare I venture a hearty Amen? Yep, I do.

It's the law in AZ that cops can, when engaged in a Terry stop, demand ID and you are legally mandated to comply. The "jaywalking" thing was totally pre textual, like when a cop pulls you over for failing to signal for a lane change or failing to come to a complete stop at a stop sign. BUT, as bullshit as this stop

I totally agree with you and would like to add the Quakers into your list of far more progressive denominations.

I loved that video and your comment. I didn't read any books except about pregnancy because I was curious what to expect. But I've been asked by multiple people if I've read this or that book or practice this or that technique and get these looks of incredulity when I say no. But so far it's been GREAT! I've got a

F that noise! Go to the wedding and have fun and talk to who you want and then refuse to even entertain drama about who you are talking with. Be like you want me not to talk to certain people? Well I don't have conversations about stupid, petty inane shit so this conversation is over.

And the old guy can be the Grand High Guru or does he style himself a prophet? You should put odd little thing like marshmallow Mondays or no paisley in the by laws.

This is a really interesting topic to think about.

Cooking? It can be fun to search out a new recipe or technique, go to local stores and farmer's markets (seriously, farmer's markets in the summer are so much fun), then cook something. I mean you gotta eat, make it an eating adventure!

My brother and I were both adopted in the mid-80's. I was a private adoption while he was a public adoption through the state and his biological parents both filled out an extensive questionnaire that covered family history and even had info about the physical characteristics of the birth parents and grandparents

She's got a damn good case (IMO) for promissory estoppel. I copy/pasted the elements below :

It is totally guilt and I think shame because this service is done in our name and I've met a lot of his fellow marines and they were heartbreakingly young and looking to get ahead and I felt so powerless to do anything. Still do...

I will totally tell you why and this is because the US public has no real tangible connection with the military and military families and so this "thank you for your service", switching seats with soldiers, and putting those fucking yellow ribbons on their cars are the only way they have to connect with and feel like

I hear you that you feel she's being hostile, can we dialogue about this? ;)

And Bulgaria. Bulgaria used a pretty light touch and no makeup gun.

I cannot ever say "I am tired." I am always le tired.

I thought of all the photoshopped versions, Bulgaria was the most beautiful followed by Pakistan. Israel was pretty too but those two managed to do something to the eyes that I found really striking, that celadon green look. Ukraine also wasn't so bad.