
Hey see if there is a consignment store in your area that has maternity clothes and maybe then baby stuff. I found one and hit the mother load (pun totally intended). They had nice stuff and far more reasonable prices. Also, my go-to end stage uniform was either long dresses (it was freaking August in the south) and

I kind of want to bring back quizzing glasses. I imagine it would be quite the elegant way to say a whole lot without saying a damn thing. But monocles, now that's just unnecessarily pretentious ;)

Congratulations! It's funny to hear you talk about doing what you need because that's 100% true. Some post-birth advice: get two packs of giant grannie panties. You know all those period free months you've been enjoying? Yeah well you have to make up for that afterwards and will want some giant, super comfy and

Yay for your daughter! It took me until I was 21 so good on her.

Um hey guys, can I play too?

Also did I not come to this very site and nominate electric toothbrushes as the sine qua non of household appliance vibrators?! It's like entry level sex toys 101.

Well she totally believes you are titled to your own pinion.

Hell yes! I tried posting a gif part of this in response to something yesterday. This song gets me laughing every time. I love Monty Python so damn much.

Ha, no. Or is it....?!

Where are you buying it?! I got one at Harris Teeter for my husband for $1.99 on sale (I think regular was $2.30 something). But it was just the plain old kind so maybe different kinds cost more but still, you should check out your local Harris Teeter if you have them. Also, if you do have them in your area you should

Go get that domain name stat! There is already an but yours is so much wittier.

I don't know, isn't tithing a pretty good way of capitalizing on your religion? It's like here is the way and the truth and the light and don't forget to tip your server 10%!

Also surgeons sometimes seem to be almost oblivious. My husband's a surgical resident and I'm not surprised to hear this at all. After all, whose gonna say shit to someone who's gonna have them under the knife? Not I!! Anyone else I'd backtalk with "sweetie" or "darlin" or my husband loves to call obnoxious people

I am so very sorry that happened to you and that you feel alone. I too have a hard time making (and keeping) friends but one thing I've pushed myself to do to fix that is that I am pushier than I feel comfortable with. That is I quit assuming the worst and take people at their word when they said they wanted to do

Okay failed in posting the monty python gif massively. Basically it was an "Every Sperm is Sacred" send-up!

I would literally be all over that. But aren't they like super expensive? Googled it and yes yes yes $1,350. Can you find them used? I mean I could save up for $400ish eventually but $1350 is so out of my league. Enlighten me please because these seem so up my alley.

God though student loans?!? I started in 2007, everybody was getting hired starting at $70K a year. 3 years later, in 2010 only 12% of my class had job OFFERS! And the notion that a law degree helps in other fields is BS, documented BS. In law school I did all these clinics with children and domestic violence and the

Well put. This article makes this ruling seem like a gross miscarriage of justice when it's basically standard pretrial legal procedure and motions practice that has nothing to do with any sort of political stance.

Okay don't get me freaking started on the clothing! I didn't (and still don't) have a lot of $ to buy and then have tailored suits and they pull, pull, pull across your chest. So I'd wear nice professional dresses and high necked sweaters with slacks or skirts. Got told I looked unprofessional (female judge said