
My husband and a good friend of ours were just like this. They teased me mercilessly for my Season 1 fandom (not gonna lie, Khal Drogo may have influenced my intense watching) but starting around season 2 they are BIG fans.

What's the deal with the inseminating!? Are they trying to reproduce or is the semen more about degradation or marking? Cause I doubt they actually desire to be fathers of actual babies with all that entails.

It is in-group/out-group violence which is the root of racism. It may not be black vs. white but it is very us vs. them and the other is dehumanized. Not saying there ain't misogyny and a whole host of other issues in the mix too.

I think it's super telling that he uses the conditional when talking about girls: IF I would have approached them —> THEN they would have rejected me. He never actually approached women! Granted I didn't read his entire manifesto but from what I skimmed and quotes posted elsewhere, never did I see any indication he

For an interesting take on this you should listen to the This American Life episode called "Bad Baby". They talk to this woman with a child who's displaying a lot of really troubling characteristics and it's fascinating. You can go to her blog where she chronicles her struggles. It's a glimpse into what having a

For awhile Poppy was on my top list, it was so peppy and perky sounding and my husband pulled his peremptory challenge rights and shot Poppy down. The way he said it "POP-eeeee" makes me think it was a mouth-feel thing or something. But Poppy would be a fun dog or car name!

I will be naming any girls I have after flowers. Violet is my current favorite but I also love Rose Marie, Lily, Hyacinth. The problem with Hyacinth is that I grew up watching (and still love) Keeping Up Appearances on PBS and I keep hearing the voice of Hyacinth Bucket (it's pronounced Bouquet, it's french).

Well said. If you come into it expecting any sort of sense you'll get frustrated. My husband just can't watch it anymore and I keep saying that yes it's ridiculous but that's what it is now. It's just pure camp now.

First off, Russel was one of my favorite characters on television and that GIF is priceless. Also, I too cringed every time they said "were-panther". I think the thing that really bothers me is they will open up these interesting possible story lines, like are there other were animals and such but then instead it just

I like B.D. Wong a lot, don't get me wrong but I miss SKODA! Can't he do cameos too! I lived for regular Law and Order episodes with Skoda. I really miss regular Law and Order; they were able to explore all kinds of interesting cases including sex crimes. Also SVU is getting obnoxiously over involved with character

I got Cannibal Cop from it too. At least they seemed to be exploring that legal conundrum.

Good god literally skin his shin? I like it since I'm definitely of the mind that it's best to incapacitate so they can't follow but good lord, skinning is vicious. I like!

And if that gets old (though I am still giggling thinking of Granny Thesaurus's legendary Flatizza sauce) you could also spice things up with some novel pronunciation. Either like you are trying to pronounce a foreign term correctly "flugh-teaze-ah" or just put the emphasis on the wrong syllable "flat-eatsa".

The problem as I see it is that in the movies what's the first thing hostage-takers demand and are given as s sign of good faith? PIZZA!!!! And I have to believe flatizza flavor will likely demand flatizzas as a token of cooperation and then BOOM, now you're mouth is being occupied x2 by flatizza flavor.

So in High School these two girls stayed out all night and I'm pretty sure were looking to buy drugs but rather than admit that they made up a fantastical story of abduction by two black guys and they got away and only lost some cash!! Anywho, the result at our private school was a mandatory safety class which turned

I think another key thing in this phenomenon is that there are men who have $800,000 to blow on a single sexual encounter. I would bet you good money these men also have mounted trophies of rare and fearsome beasts on their walls. This smacks of a conquest.

You really wanna get pissed? Here is an honest to god quite from the Wall Street Journal discussing billionaire Larry Ellison (who may or may not buy the Clippers):

Me too! Especially because in my limited understanding, the odds are in the house's favor so you using logic and math to even what are already skewed odds seems only fair. I mean they use all kinds of science to design their casinos to maximize the time and money spent gambling!

Pretty sure a sexual investigation is along lines of what HBO's Real Sex does. This strikes me more as sexual sleuthing or maybe a probe if you will... a sexual inquisition?

If and when I get pregnant again I will totally be stealing that line. I got questioned by a checkout person at the grocery store when I was buying beer for a party and I got super huffy and spat out "I'm not pregnant." I was super pleased with myself but it was rather awkward to run into her again as the months went