
I use dude as an equal opportunity moniker but I should have called you Dudette because you do have Woman in your name... my bad.

Yeah there's no possible way they won't say one thing and do a completely other thing secretly. Not saying the official line isn't "no pledging" but I would bet a hell of a lot of money that individual chapters will just pledge underground.

Dude criminal law is not on your side in this argument. There are two requirements for any criminal act: actus rea and mens rea (guilty act and guilty mind). You need BOTH a criminal act AND the requisite state of mind. There are all sorts of gradations of criminal intent.

TIES! Long ties. Doctor's lean over patients, surfaces etc. and ties brush up against all sorts of things and go from room to room plus I've noticed some have a habit of running their hands down their tie to smooth it/tuck it in. Just saying, bowties are the way to go in the medical profession!

Old tape residue from where I imprudently used masking tape to edge while painting and then left it on waaaaay too long. I used a hairdryer to get off the tape but it left behind sticky nasty noticeable residue that bugs stick to and die. It has ruined the clean edge effect I was going for. Oh, and it's on my ceiling

Um, sorry to hear that you've had bad experiences? I like hearing that I am being sexy in the moment, I guess some women don't....

In the mood, honestly a few beers never hurts. Also I love a back and shoulder rub that turns sensual. For the sex... A GOOD VIBRATOR!!! The key seems to be to get myself out of my head and into my body- to stop thinking and then start feeling. Also, I like it when he gets verbal. Seriously, every woman wants to hear

I'm going to try this. I think the key overall is more communication :)

Okay so one: thank you for your honest answer! You have totally validated my instincts about this. But now I ask you, could you tell if she/he/it was just phoning it in? I want him to be satisfied and I want it to be with me so sometimes I put out even when I'm not really in the mood and feel like this is good marital

And guilt is definitely the opposite of an aphrodisiac. Lemme check the interweb for the correct term... Okay not gonna do better then turnoff but still, nothing makes sex less fun than guilt... just ask the Catholics!

No, I'm right there with you and yet we keep coming back for more! For some reason, it seems like a good idea. Maybe the notion that the cleanup is a given? Dunno. One exception: OCEAN SEX! It's the motion of the ocean baby.

Really valid point. In my reply elsewhere I brought that up because I definitely struggle with this balance. The thing I've noticed is the first kind of sex, the I'm not in the mood but could be usually amounts to some pretty all around good and satisfying sex. The second however, feels like a chore and while it

PREACH! 5 month old baby, husband first year surgical resident, me looking for work.... It just rarely seems to happen! Also can we talk quality over quantity here because sometimes I do have the sex just to have the sex. Did it recently in t he shower and you know what: meh. Now, get me in the right mood and willing

Yes there are some disorders... there are tons of disorders. There is no way ALL statements can account for EVERY SINGLE ONE. In general, barring a rare and not widely known hormonal or chromosomal condition, Cis-women's hips flare at puberty. Also, human beings tend to grow vertically as they age, barring a hormonal

Hello, I came on here to say this only to find you'd said it already and quite artfully at that.

Genius! I just thought people were idiots but I bet it's a little bit of both!

Prolapse fuck, as in prolapsed vagina? That seems like an oddly specific thing to want to watch but also if your vagina has fallen out, what are we fucking? The vaginal mesh?! It's just fascinating how specific people's perversions get...

I don't think self-esteem applies to this woman - she feels broken to me. It hurts to watch but I think she has serious personality disorders and I really fear for her child's future emotional well-being. Also, yes this site is my sole source of Farah news and I'm ashamed to say I always click! It's like a train

Yes and reading books that could challenge their worldview, broaden their minds, and develop critical thinking skills because then we'd have an educated populace who wouldn't stand for this sort of BS! I wish. God SC gives the Carolina's a bad name, though NC is pulling its weight now thanks to our obscenely right

The dark horse thing irritates the heck out of me!