
I didn't vote for Hillary because I was leery of another Clinton in the White House. I was really excited by the idea of a new kind of politician who was going to be a break from business as usual/politics as usual mold we'd gotten into plus after Bush the Elder and Bush Jr., I wanted a break from the same political

By the by, I always thought Oral Roberts was a dirty sounding name for a Christian University. It sounds like one of those ridiculous sex terms like Dirty Sanchez or Crazy Carlos. An Oral Roberts would result in you having the crazy eyes that Michelle Bachman sports: you'd never blink again for fear of getting Oral

Damn my eyes! Of course I had to google "lemonparty" then Urban Dictionary introduced me to tubgirl and goatse. Some things you can't unsee bro! (I don't have the time to insert the appropriate Rafi gif but the point stands).

Dear Lord! I mean if you're just trying to figure out what sex is, that Sleeping Beauty Trilogy could really muddy the issue. I mean the standard: "when two people love each other and want to make each other feel really good and show their love" just does not cover the panoply of sexual excess found in these books.

True story: my grandmother was in town and she and my mom were lecturing my 17 year-old self on the outfit I was sporting for the night. My grandmother throws in the "Why buy the cow when you can have the milk for free?" gem and before I can sass back about giving everyone a free milk sample or some such nonsense my

God yes! I used to watch this show as my guilty pleasure and now it's not even pleasureable. The original model for the show worked well and if it ain't broke, why mess with success?! I miss Miss and Mr. Jay both. Now I find myself literally incapable of watching this show: I am not being figurative, I do try but I

You make a fair point about the "useful" info. I noticed this in college a lot when all self-defense classes and tips were about stranger rape and not about the myriad real life dangers when you get entitled boys + everclear punch + 18-year old girls. The reality isn't dark alleys where assault is 100% clear but often

I do! Especially since a little over a year ago I found myself making the opposite pronouncement. Also, after being embarrassingly clueless about the date of my last period and average period length and time between cycles when asked by my OB/GYN, I got a period tracker app on my phone. Well, I either got the date of

We are talking in circles then. I didn't think you felt she should... I've lost the thread of this conversation,

I always have thought it prudent to recognize the limits of my own control.: that is to say, I have very little control over the actions of society and the actions of others. I chose to take self-defense courses and educate myself on strategies for self-protection to reduce my risk for a wide variety of assaults,

Right, but she'll be a sex offender if convicted, pretty sure distribution of child pornography gets you on the sex offender registry.

Way to age Uncle Jesse, way to age. We both grow older but just like when I was 14 or so, I still look at you and think: "yes, please!"

Yeah this bothers me too! To be told you aren't free to take picturesof your own body as you see fit seems absurd. To be prosecuted as a possible sex offender for pictures of yourself is truly rediculous.

Good because I lost my card the other day and am worried about what I'm going to do when somebody asks to see my hetero-credentials!

I second your posts here because I identify as straight but share your feelings about being aroused by images of women with other women. I also get aroused by images of men with other men. In fact, I think what is arousing is watching people I find beautiful be sexually aroused by each other and I'm like yeah, sex is

My dad's a dentist, endodontist actually. In college, I would pull all-nighters and swish real coke in my teeth (no diet for me baby). Graduated with 14 cavities. WORST DENTAL VISIST EVER! You know its bad when she goes "Oh God!". All in between my teeth. If I'm ever violently killed, they can identify my body in a

Haven't you ever heard of the Jersey Shore? Been there, Snookered that!

Ok can we talk about how many damn times that alleged writer used the word "alleged" and often in weird ways? That's my allegation!

Wrong!!! You would think so but no. Up until I got pregnant I was on Re-DONK-ulous amounts of adderall and vivance (seriously, cannot believe a medical professional supervised this) and I gained weight. You don't eat, don't eat, don't eat BINGE then sleep. Not a recipe for fitness. Lost20 lbs now off speed and eating