
Its Rafi from the League. Google that phrase and watch some clips; his character is handsdown one of my favorite characters on TV. Try the one where he teaches his sister Sophia and her friends self-defense. I laughed so hard I was crying.

Or a fawn a la Mr. Tumnus from Narnia.

Wasn't gonna read that link. Now I simply cannot go about my day without first determining the context in which "hippopotamus cock" is situated. Way to tease a story! Off I go...

I am now walking around with Morgan Freeman's voice in my head sonorously proclaiming "Christian Grey ripped out my tampon". Oddly, it makes the whole thing less rediculous - of course he did Mr.Freeman, who wouldn't!?

Because the gentleman is engaged in what is known as "penis waggling". Look it up, its a thing; or, if not, it is now. What that doll is doing shall henceforth be officially termed: penis waggling.

I completely agree with you here! You know the Audible commercial that eternally plays on Hulu that implies you can listen to 50 Shades while ironing the sheets....? That always makes me wonder: who wants to have this book read aloud to them? Reading is essentially a private act where you are free to let your mind and

See it's just that with Jesus's second coming so imminent, she literally CANNOT blink for fear she'll miss it!

Is it just sex or romance? Does the dinosaur end up confessing undying love, do they change for the girl, do they actually say things or is it literally just sex with a giant reptile/bird!?! Do they have names or are they just like "oh, yeah, velociraptor!" these are important questions that will haunt me unless

Referring to yourself sexually as "daddy" is one of the creepiest things ever! Classic indicator of some rather deep rooted issues.


I feel like claiming you've been quoted "out of context" is some new PR go-to bullshit term. It's like the companion to claiming you've fallen prey to "gotchya journalism" when you talk yourself into a corner and say something stupid/offensive.

He's 3 weeks today and on average 2-3 outfits a day. Today he somehow peed on his back (the physics of this escape me but it happens a lot - he's dry in the front and his back is soaked) and then vomited a little after eating so we're currently in outfit 3.

So true and so obnoxious. I wanted sleeves so i could wear a bra with actual straps: the girls need support and I didnt want to spend my wedding day doing the strapless bra shimmy. Every freaking dress was either strapless or spaghetti straps! Even when I got it altered they put wisps of sleeves and tried to argue in

Me too. It reminds me of that Southpark episode with Chimpokomon: the minute parents take up a trend, it ceases to be trendy and rebellious. I went through a super dark black "smokey" eyeliner phase around 16, thought it looked sultry. My mom tried suggesting less, maybe other colors etc. So one morning, she

This must be taped or glued down! This is a recipe for a front wedgie.

Me too and I also don't get it. My sister uses it all the time and it is basically 1o% funny pics of her cat or other animals and then 90% selfies. So she'll get a shapchat of a friend making a weird face at the camera and she'll send back a selfie of her face in some response/odd face. I DO NOT GET IT! It's annoying

Dude, this kid and I showed each other our private parts when were in like 2nd grade one day. He had 3 brothers and asked if he could see if I had a penis and I said only if I can see if you have one. So we took turns pulling down pants and then that was that. This could totally be construed as exposing ourselves,

Well yeah but that second 14 year old was so asking for it! I mean she was mature beyond her chronological age according to the judge; this is just a guess but I bet this was due to being raped by a 49 year old authority figure, things like that tend to shatter your innocence.

Nailed it! This sounds like this might touch on something a bit bigger than just a single woman - likely she's representative of a lot of other smart women in this man's life who have dared to not only disagree with him but also failed to recognize his clearly superior intellect.