
I cried, funniest thing I've read in a good while. It was on par with Mark Reads Twilight. I regretably cannot figure out how to link on my iPad but google "Mark Reads Twilight" if you haven't read it - you won't regret a single second of it!

So my liberation started sleeping in the nude but now I cruise around my house naked all the time! I am pretty sure some of my neighbors have likely seen me naked but I'm finding it hard to get worked up about it. It's my house, why stress about clothes to grab clean pants from the dryer after I shower? I don't see

I think castration is a way of implying taking away your sexual power/agency. I mean the whole thing about "blurred lines" is this notion that women want/need to be pushed and roughed up sexually, it implies a lack of agency and power. Castration sort of implies loosing your sexual power and agency. I'm just

That's the thing about pun-runs - you get going and hit this fugue state where they just flow freely. It is literally a brain state and there are documented cases of people uncontrollably punning during brain surgery and even a brain disorder called "Witzelsucht" that leads to uncontrollable punning. If you love

OK, well I'm not even gonna try because you have done the most thorough pun-run there is. Seriously, I was sitting here thinking about how to make "Tippecanoe and Tyler too" into something dirty and BOOM: "Sex in a Canoe, and Tyler Too."

War with Seria would be super serial!

So "orgasm" comes mighty close - "chasm" obviously.
Finally, "phantasm":
1. Something apparently seen but having no physical reality; a phantom or an apparition. Also called phantasma.
2. An illusory mental image. Also called phantasma.
3. In Platonic philosophy, objective reality as perceived and distorted by the five

Tell me more about these tricks! I have a thin upper lip and will now be employing this trick. Well, maybe not. I'm about to have my first child and I HATE pictures of myself (really, they make me feel icky, I don't mind myself in the mirror, just pictures). Anyways, I know pictures are inevitable and am trying to

You took the words right out of my oddly ajar mouth! It made me think about a recent episode of ANTM where Tyra Banks coached girls to inhale to look sexy: suck in a quick breath to look super sexual. I wonder if this is what Lena Dunham is doing in these photos? Try it - you get her mouth shape.

Duly noted.

You should - you should totally sleep naked. Why would you not!? I gave it a try and one night was all it took to 100% convince me that nude sleeping is the only way to go. Get some fabulously soft sheets and just luxuriate in your body.

Kinda reminds me of this winner here. Again, just a stand-up human being.

OK, me too from NC and I'm trying to wrap my head around why this is the case. I mean does this indicate that our state is full of young professional men with hot-mom complexes? Are there tons of MILFs walking about thus sparking the desire to wank off to MILF's when you get home?

YES! It has taken me many years of painful maturation to uncover this gem of wisdom but it is oh so effective and oh so satisfying, not to mention liberating. A certain type of person thrives off drama and the perception that they are able to get a rise out of others. People who are like this are stuck in the high

Just on a side note, can Jezebel be a bit more judicious with headlines proclaiming something is being banned? He instructed his leadership to set an example for the congregation by not wearing weaves. Nowhere does it state that he "banned" weaves in that women with weaves will be forbidden from church or kicked out

Honest answer: it thrills me, but not sexually. I always feel a sort of 12-year old naughty thrill to have seen one. Best penis on HBO sighting was on Boardwalk Empire: Gyp Rosetti's sexual strangulation followed by a naked gunfight scene. Anyways, I find other parts of the male physique sexually stimulating but still

I totally agree with the Burt Reynolds points about why Larry is obnoxious but I'd like to address your point about the relative hate directed at Larry rather than Pornstache or Mr. Healy, both actively evil characters. I think this is because: