An Atheist Jew

“what they’re calling censored games”

No, that’s what anyone who understands what censorship is would call it. The game’s content has been removed or modified to conform with state/federal/corporate guidelines established by a person or committee on what is okay or not okay to depict. That’s censorship. And it sucks,

I didn’t realize Robotics;Notes was related to the Steins;Gate franchise.


Art this good needs to be provided in standard wallpaper format, god damn it. At least. Bigger would be better.

What’s that, you say? They just gave me a perfect reason to pirate the game, and not give them money for passing off yet another shit port as a stable, optimized game? And now they’ve announced that we’ll not be receiving all the DLC? Awesome!

A yo-ho-ho I go.


Upgraded from a Nexus 5 to a 6P this Xmas, during that little holiday sale they ran. If you can afford the 6P, get it. It’s the best phone I’ve ever used. It’s big but not stupid big, it’s crazy fast, has a beautiful display, the fingerprint scanner is far more useful than I would have thought, has NFC, an awesome

Upgraded from a Nexus 5 to a 6P this Xmas, during that little holiday sale they ran. If you can afford the 6P, get

No, stop. Just put Gunship’s flagship album on infinite repeat. You’ll never need another driving game soundtrack again...or possible any other soundtrack to anything, now that I think about it.

Are you serious?

Can I at least experience this tutorial in Japanese?

I’m...gonna pass on this movie, in theaters, at least. That trailer was utterly unappealing. I’m amazed that they’ve managed to fuck up one my favorite franchises this much...but then I guess I shouldn’t expect anything less these days.

Fuck you, Hollywood.

The game has been out for less than 2 months and there are already over 4,000 mods on the Nexus.

Yes, I expected to see content by now...and I was not disappointed.


Guess what? It’s your money to flush down the toilet. The problem isn’t that companies want $60 for multiplayer games, it’s that people are stupid enough to actually pay it. If you don’t want to spend that much money, exercise this thing some people have called patience, and don’t.

Look at me! I’m Mr. Meeseeks!

The uncensored version of this anime is basically a yuri hentai series. It goes all the way to third base. I can’t imagine how they A) secured the budget to make this and B) managed to air even the uncensored version.


Oh look, more fuel for my misanthropic bonfire.

Now playing

The FarCry franchise needs only one thing: Another Blood Dragon. Just make it 60 hours long. I want a whole, goddamned full-on Blood Dragon game.

I loved Blood Dragon.

And now, just because, here’s Synthwave sensation GUNSHIP. Revel in their incredible sound:

Celty better get her god damn head back.


I have no problem with the taste of refrigerated tomatoes, so whatever!

Emulators can render old games at *significantly* higher resolutions that whatever system Sony is using, and the vast majority of people don’t give two flying shits about trophies or achievements.