An Atheist Jew

I’ve been a contractor with Google/Alphabet 4 times over the last 6 years, and would be happy to provide some context to all this via my experiences, but my account has been blocked for a couple years from posting across all the kinja sites that used to make up gawker media, and every comment I make needs “approval”


It’s Japanese marketing. Companies make billions doing this. 

You can do what Bashcraft did and settle in a country that doesn’t suck. But you won’t. Nobody ever thinks about abandoning this toilet of a nation for a better life. It’s always “What can we do to fix this?” and the answer is “Nothing. There’s nothing you can do.” But you don’t want to hear that. So, just live in

Have you ever heard of Stockholm Syndrome? You have that. That is you. 

Killing off Cayde is *extremely* stupid. He’s the most interesting character in the entire fucking franchise. I couldn’t give a single crap if Zavala or Ikora died. They are boring, stoic, overdramatic characters. Cayde is the only one that brings a little...I don’t know, PERSONALITY? To the series. It’s going to be

The fact that these sons of bitches are still alive and breathing while my sweet, wonderful father is dead is fuel for my misanthropy. Fuck them both, I hope they contract infectious penis cancer.

I *really* hope that racist bitch what called the cops gets a staph infection in her eyeball, or infectious vagina cancer, or something else she deserves.

I wouldn’t give a shit, because it’s funny.’re just another asshole that’s full of shit. Like Damore. Idiots flock together, after all.

The kinja video player is fucking atrocious. Why not just embed youtube or whatever?

You’ve pretty awful taste in anime, Cecilia. Jesus.

It was funny. How about instead of removing it, add an execution where a player somehow stumbles onto a dude’s dick? HOW ABOUT GENDER FUCKING EQUALITY, INSTEAD OF POINTLESS CENSORSHIP OVER NOTHING?

No? Okay then.

You’re a dick. I think it’s important you know that.

I have a $40 dual shower head from Bed Bath & Beyond that has a “mist” setting, and it seems to do exactly what this thing does. It turns the water in the pipes into a misty spray. It also has a secondary wand with the same misting setting. Sooooooo why is this better than that?

I seem to get the feeling that you’ve

Your mother deserves several slaps across her ignorant fucking face. Sorry.

It’s only a laughable notion until Nintendo’s next big hardware flop, afterwhich the company will cease all hardware production and start licensing out its IPs to external developers for publishing on all platforms.

Sound familiar? That’s because the exact same shit happened to Sega. The WiiU was a massive failure of

Maybe this time they can, I don’t know, put the mother fucker in prison forever. You know, before the piece of shit actually murders some people?

Oh, go to hell

I also had an Intellivision as my first gaming system, and would like to comment about that, but for some reason my comments sit in perpetual “Pending” limbo, and have been for a year, or something. I’m assuming that’s a “soft ban”, but I have no idea what I did to receive that.

Perhaps someone could take a look at