An Atheist Jew

The choice of platform is unfortunate. Don’t have a Vita, have no plans to get one. Also, if you can’t change the dialogue to Japanese and use English subs/translations, then I’m out. My brain registers a physical response when I hear English dubbing, called “pain”. It started with Shenmue.

The first episode of this series is one of the best first-episodes of an anime I’ve seen in the last 15 years.

After that, it stays solid but goes downhill. There is NO WAY these 4 chicks would survive a zombie apocalypse. They are absolutely clueless and ignore or are ignorant of even the most basic and obvious

I was looking forward to a second season of Gangsta. Also to see the studio that did the masterpiece which is Samurai Champloo go down the tubes is a huge disappointment, they deserved better.


OS X and iOS are designed for technophobes, or at the very least, the technically ignorant. So really, the headline of this article should read “Apple has an app to help you switch from Android to iOS”

You can’t even imagine how excited I am for this!

Wow...that looks like shit.
Of course, that’s not even the least bit surprising.

This is why I shelled out the money for the Virtuix Omni treadmill. I want to be able to actually run around in virtual environments, not be confined to a single room-equivalent space as presented in this and other VR demos that feature navigable environments. The ability to move around in a virtual space is neat but

I used to have to deal with this kind of garbage when I was doing game journo stuff a few years ago. When this kind of email comes in, I adopt a “fuck it” mentality. That means the review will get no accompanying video content, because it is absolutely not worth the hassle of adhering to all their restrictions.

But I

I don’t remember this artist’s name, but his work constantly creeps me out. He draws his characters as if they were anorexic. Emaciated stick people? No thanks, I’m good.

Yeah, well, Konami can go fuck it/them selves.

Love X-COM, love Fallout, love Fallout Tactics, blah blah blah. I like challenge in my games, but this game is challenging to the point of fucking absurdity, to point where I question whether or not the designers have heard of a thing called “balance passes”. Playing on normal difficulty, I’ve yet to win a single


No, that’s...okay. If you didn’t understand the first time or the second time, you won’t the third, either. Lets just move on, I don’t care enough to continue.

And yet neither apples nor oranges can give consent, but they both can be fucked with enough effort. It *does* add to the conversation, because all of these things are objects, not people, and so their consent is not required nor even possible.

If I were to buy this on Steam, could I play it with the Japanese dialogue and English subs? This is very important.

I don’t disagree with any of your statements, but it’s better for a potential rapist to release his sick rapist desires on a robot, rather than an actual person.

Now playing

Well, at least you responded, so that’s cool.

Vampires. In the book, humans get largely changed into vampires, and the main character, being the last human and so logically thinks the they need to be destroyed, goes around killing them, and becomes a “boogeyman” legend to the Vampire society. That’s why he’s a legend

I have also skipped 8 entirely, since it was a piece of shit, but 10 doesn’t appeal to me yet, either. Too many bugs, too many hidden concerns that Microsoft feels compelled to shove down user’s throats whether they want them or not, and I have a ton of little programs installed for Windows 7 that give me a LOT of

Why wouldn’t it be? We’re not talking about an artificial life form with sentience and sapience, it’s a robot with programming.

Can a chair consent? Can a car? How about one of those Real Doll things? The answer is no, but I’m sure people somewhere fuck all three of those things all the time. Why is a robot any