An Atheist Jew

How shitty is the fact that Bungie have yet to put this dumb game on PC?

A) Very Shitty
B) Extremely Shitty
C) Incredibly shitty
D) I guess they just don’t like money


Edit: I voted “Not shitty at all” on all of these because fuck you, I’m not playing it.

Cilantro is wonderful. I usually buy two or three bunches of it to throw in a salad. Delicious! If hatred of the stuff is genetic then I don’t know what to suggest. Perhaps sterilization? That way your no-babies won’t have the same problem!

HEY! I...I *liked* Andromeda. :(

I admit that one season where they were stuck in a solar system for a year or whatever was happening was pretty lame, but I think it ended on a good note.

On second thought I haven’t watched the show in years and I don’t remember all that much. I should see it again.

I just finished playing through 254 hours of New Vegas. The game is over, done, I finished all the DLC, all the content from several enormous mods, all of it. It’s been uninstalled and the countless gigs of mods freed up from my system.

I’m not installing it again! YOU CAN’T MAKE ME!

Every other year, some other game critic/blogger/whatever realizes that QA testing is not an awesome job and decides to write up an article about it. These are unnecessary. We know all this shit already.

So in another two years, the next time someone thinks it would be neat to write an article all about the woes of

As an ex-Googler, I can tell you that Google + has one basic use, and that’s as an internal community tool for Google employees. If you’re working at Google, especially the Mountain View campus, Google+ becomes a part of everyday life. Employees use it to debate, share project notes, recruit 20%-ers, organize events,

The new leveling system sounds like shit. I’ll enjoy the mod that fixes that garbage. One perk per two levels, or whatever the default is. That’ll be fine.

Tell them they’re idiots?

Your optimism is adorable but completely misplaced. Humans won’t be going to other stars. We’ll be long dead before we can get our shit together enough to develop the technology to save the species.

I didn’t read any of that, but you seem to have ignored the first line of my last response, so here it is again:

I don’t care. Your opinion is irrelevant.

And that’ll be the last response you get.

I love eating crab, but feel much remorse at the fact that the animal is boiled alive for me to eat it. I always ask my waiter to ask the chef to bash the thing’s head in first before throwing it in the pot. I don’t care if it cracks the shell, I’d rather not eat something that died in agony if I can avoid it. I have

T...that’s a very good point.

Okay, I’ll watch MOST THINGS Christoph Waltz is in.

I don’t care. Your opinion is irrelevant.

However, the fact that you’ve decided to devote so much energy into attempting to ruin a funny thing for people is far more pathetic, and it’s indicative that you literally have nothing better to do. That’s sad.

Get some hobbies, get a girlfriend and/or boyfriend, find

Oh, fuck off.

Getting only two or three hours of sleep a night for an extended period of time will lead to extreme irritability, insanity, and eventual death. So obviously that’s wrong or just grossly exaggerated. He can’t have maintained that for 18 years, he’d have been dead 17 1/2 years ago.

·I will watch anything, literally anything, with Christoph Waltz in it. So, I’m going to enjoy the hell out of this, even without Judy Dench.

Eh, you know. I do what I can. I ain’t no hero or nuthin’.


For fuck’s sake, they’ve got almost $100m to make this game. Shut up and be patient.

Well, people are, of course, allowed to have their opinions.

Even if they’re wrong.