An Atheist Jew

Pretty sure that’s a cicada shell, not a cockroach. At least the bug’s not alive.

I should throw in a note here since I can’t edit my own post anymore (thanks Kinja, you remain a piece of shit), that I am well aware of the numerous Baseball, Basketball, Football, Soccer, Tennis etc anime series that exist. I KNOW. That’s why I specified “in America”.

Yeah. That makes me sad.

Dude is an incredible artist. But, please, let’s NOT have a cartoon about a football team. There are enough ignorant jock douchebag football fans out there as it is. We don’t need to inspire a whole new generation of them by making a football cartoon for kids. You know, in America.

I hate sports. Could you tell?

I don’t have kids myself, nor do I particularly want any, as I tend to hate them. Still, if true, it makes him a giant shithead. People have different priorities, and you respect their stupid priorities, whatever that may be. You know, within reason.

If the allegation is true, that would mean Mr. Musk operates with

He also apparently chastised one of his employees for attending his child’s birth rather than attend a corporate event, telling him to get his priorities straight.

So he’s also a giant shithead.

When do you start feeling shame for your beard? Surely there’s a ratio of shame-pride depending on length-fullness.

That is *exactly* what I thought when seeing the new design.

The opinions of a child who doesn’t like the game in the first place do not matter. It is, in fact, an excellent MMO, and the only one I’ve ever played in which I bothered to max out a character. I’m working on my second! Yay!

Looks like Anne Hathaway.

Am I supposed to feel bad for the idiots that bought the thing? I don’t. It was their decision to pay out the nose for what is essentially a beta product. Live with your stupid mistakes.

God damn rats!

Good thing GW2 isn’t free, then, right? You pay for the client, and they continue to pull in tons of money from microtransactions.

I’ll wait several months to a year before I “upgrade” from Windows 7 x64. Because 10 is going to be a buggy piece of shit until at least one service pack or equivalent update is released.

Keep in mind that W7 shipped with an estimated 250,000-odd known bugs.

Please to be explaining what both the chips in your hands are used for. My googling on Hitag and MIFARE haven’t produced useful results.

27,000 gallons of water sounds like a lot, but the USGS determined in 2010 that California uses 38 billion gallons of water A DAY, collectively, and that was five years ago.

Aside from that massive volume of fresh water that’s needed, there’s simply no money in it, as you’ve said. It’s a utilities issue, not a

Why the hell are you wasting our time with this?

For shit’s sake, just add a “Donate to the Author” button on the mod’s workshop page.

There. I just solved your problem, Valve. Can I have a job now? I’m really good at this “common sense” shit.