An Atheist Jew
Now playing

I’ve eaten a lot of fugu. Every time I’m in Tokyo I usually head to one of several fugu restaurants that serve big, 8-course meals, all prepared from fugu. Sashimi, sushi, hotpot, shirako, etc.

Oh, grow up.

Ok, yes, so, and, that is?

Does anyone recognize the music used in the first half of the vid? Sounds like Mogwai but nothing I use can identify it.

Is there a high-res version of this image, somewhere? I need it for my desktop.

Which is of course what everyone wan’ts to know. There’s been no news about that, and I doubt there will be. It’s private.

I agree. Shut down baseball and all other pro sports, and give the undeserved salaries of those assholes to teachers instead.

I’ve had GW2 for two years and the only money I’ve ever spent on it is the cash I put down for the client. I don’t purchase microtransactions, and I don’t pay subscriptions to play games. The last subscription I paid for a game was either Asheron’s Call or Dark Ages of Camelot, I don’t remember which. After that, I

The scream response is perhaps the single most fucking annoying defense mechanism in nature.

Also I have *never* completed a Rubik’s cube in my whole life. 5 seconds? Why should I even bother?

Technically, it’s your loss. Financially, I mean. It’s your decision to continue flushing money down that MMO-subscription toilet.

I have no such problem. The last MMO I paid a subscription for was Asheron’s Call...or was it Dark Age of Camelot?

Eh, whatever.

You’re right! That’s a huge part of it.


If nothing you can buy affects your ability to defeat other players, it is not Pay to Win. Nothing you can buy in the game affects PvP or WvW, it’s all PvE, save for finishers, which are entirely cosmetic.

Nope, not at all. There are booster packs and such that aid the player in PvE, but nothing you can buy in the store gives you an advantage during PvP or WvW. Almost everything in the store is a PvE booster or aesthetic/novelty item.

As for how the game can stay afloat, I’d say you vastly underestimate how much money

Just because a game is F2P does not meant that it is also pay to win. The two are separate and not reliant on each other.

Monkeys, apes and elephants can do that, too. Well, maybe elephants.

Humanity - MEH.

If only it was free to play, I’d probably be playing it. Ah, well. Back to Guild Wars 2!

Well I don’t know about a cult classic, but I did enjoy it a hell of a lot more than I thought I would, and it established a very interesting world that I’d like to see more of. I hope they do a sequel or two at some point.

Good. Fuck ‘em both. May their CEOs, CFOs, CTOs and CIOs all contract the Pox, and may it spread to their families mercilessly.

You already said that, and I already conceded the point. See, in my response there? Which you’re responding to here, which I’m responding to now.