An Atheist Jew


Starbucks is still handing out those exact same dongles, only green, for free. Just walk into a Starbucks and ask if they have any. I have like six of them in my car, for no reason.

Nope. Please to be defining which part of that is "crazy".

Because leaving this country and going to a better one with a significantly higher quality of life would be preferable to death.

When I say "a better one with a significantly higher quality of life", I mean just about any other 1st world nation. Which is fucking pathetic.

A more honest title would have been “Robotic Player Guitar Plucks a Few Chords”. I would not have wasted my time clicking on the article had I seen that. But I guess that’s the point, right Maddie?

Of course, I’m just being naive. Honesty doesn’t account for much in today’s journalism.

My response to all of that is : crowd-funding and self-publication on PC. That’s yet another positive aspect of PC development - you don’t have to pay a platform owner to publish your shit. Sure, Valve might take a cut of the profits, but they don’t charge you to publish on Steam. Alternatively, just release the game

The notion of "writing your senator" has always been completely laughable to me.

US politicians do not work for their constituents, regardless of their party. They don't care at all about the people they supposedly represent. Why would anyone maintain the illusion otherwise? Even the democrats, who maintain the

How could you possibly think this is a non-issue?

I think you misunderstood my comment.

Only problem with that argument is that Monopoly is a storied franchise. It’s existed for decades, and is still actively published under a variety of other IPs.

Phantom Dust is an action-combat game. You can no-more copyright its gameplay than you could an FPS or a MOBA or any other genre. The assets are what matter,

I could, but somehow, amazingly, that would accomplish even less.

So, take the build you’ve got, create new art assets, rename the game, and publish on PC. It’ll sell like nobody’s business.

There. What they should have bloody done in the first place.

Going to a major publisher with a game pitch is exactly as foolish as going to FOX with a show pitch. They might back it for a bit,

What could an internet petition or writing my senator possibly do? They don't give two shits. AT ALL. *sigh*

Fuck this country.

Cool story, bro. Your responses to all of these other people are just confirming my certainties...not they really needed confirming, persè, since they were already certainties, but in case there was even a shadow of doubt: You are a huge idiot.

Anyway, it doesn’t matter. You just keep on being you. It’s pretty

You can like whatever crap films you want, but I now know to disregard your opinion on everything. It takes a particular type of bad taste to enjoy one of these childhood-raping monstrosities of cinema, and if you liked this, you probably also liked Madagascar, and so there's no other reason for me to listen to you.

I...have strong suspicions that you are an idiot. Well, not so much suspicions as assurances and certainties.

I share your sentiment, however I wish a pox upon both of their houses.

You’re right! But what makes you think those anti-vaxxers aren’t conservatives? Without doing some research on it I’d venture that the vast majority of them are. BUT! lets spend 3 minutes on google doing some research before clutching to opinions and judgments.

A study in 2013 found Conservatives more likely to be

Are you kidding? There’s lots wrong with BOTH god damn parties. There’s lots wrong with whole stupid, corrupt, broken system. The difference between republicans and democrats is this: Republicans are evil, stupid, ignorant, science-denying, Bible-thumping mother fuckers.

Democrats are ignorant, and have no spines. But