An Atheist Jew

I...don’t think you’ve ever paid attention to anything the republican party has said for the last 30 years. I mean, anything. And that’s amazing.

Time to buy a dash-cam for my car. Recommendations?

That was actually just Ninja Resurrection, it looked similar and was based on the same book as Ninja Scroll’s universe but wasn’t a sequel to Ninja Scroll :D

Yeah that had some pretty gory shit in it too. That English dub rapes my earballs.

True, however if they do have a timed exclusivity deal with MS, they’ll have to wait that out before doing anything else with the IP, which is sad. I hope they realize how much money their game could make on Steam alone. Uh, minus 30% per unit.

This is simultaneously the most pathetic and idiotic behavior I’ve seen in ages. How shitty must these people’s lives be that they try to pull this off so frequently and risk death or serious injury?

Sounds good.

There’s a history of this sort of thing, it’s what Epic did with the original Gears of War, however they handed it over to People Can Fly, who did one of the most piss-poor porting jobs of any game ever. Which I found particularly amazing, as the game used Unreal 3, and all the assets were *already* set up for running

I’m glad you feel somehow superior, but before you go blowing yourself, I’d like you to know that I’ve worked in the game industry as a developer for a decade, and I contract as an industry analyst for two market research firms. So, with all due respect (none), I know a lot more about this shit than you. I invite you

I remember seeing Akira back in 89’ when it hit the US on VHS, I think I was 9 years old. For the longest time that was the goriest, scariest thing I’d ever seen.

Until I discovered zombies.

I’m just as old! I’ve totally seen Angel Cop. I found it rather tame, actually. >_>

I’m assuming it’s a timed exclusive because Microsoft tends to release almost all their Xbox titles, except Halo 3-on and the last several Gears of War titles, on PC. at some point or another.

I also assume that Microsoft isn’t fucking stupid, and wouldn’t be willing to deprive itself of a fair percentage of sales to

Awesome, thanks! Somehow I missed this trailer.

That was crazy!

You know, until this moment I wasn’t that hot on this game. Now I want to play it a lot. My, that was easy! Shame I don’t have an Xbone and don’t really intend to buy one.

Lets hope this timed exclusivity bullshit ends and the game comes out on PC soon. I will buy it.

What cinematic is this from? I should probably see it.

I did not know that! Interesting. I might have to check it out regardless of the violence, then. *sigh*

I have NOT seen Another! Thanks for the warning. I’ll check it out, but, uh, cautiously.

Yeah I certainly can’t recommend it. It’s not a particularly good anime to be honest, even if we forget all the horrible death scenes.

Here in the States every single time a serial killer is caught, his neighbors say “Oh, he was always the nicest, most quiet guy. I never believed he could be capable of this!”

Maybe Japanese people just have a better lid on the separation of fantasy and reality. I mean, you know, I hope.

I’ve seen Elfen Lied and Baccano, and while both are certainly violent, the content doesn’t reach the same level as Blood-C. Only parts of the first episode of Elfen Lied and the scene where Eve tears off Nana’s limbs were disturbing to me, and the only scene I didn’t like in Baccano was where Rail Chaser/Vino

You’re probably right!Although I doubt I’d include the Final Destination movies in that list. I’ve only seen the first two, of course.

Saw/Hostel/etc? I have not and will not ever see those films. Torture porn is not my bag.