
34 and same... I even finally managed to get a really good job and that pays well and yet somehow I still feel both behind and terrible at adulting. Mainly I just want to be out of the debt spiral I created for myself in my mid-20’s Will that ever happen? Ugh, feels insurmountable at the moment so I’ve just resigned

I have one scheduled for next Thursday. I will be honest, I’m a little torn right now. I absolutely know that it’s the right decision for me and I do not feel bad about the abortion itself - I cannot imagine doing the whole pregnancy followed by kids thing. Can. Not. Imagine. I’m 34 and still have zero desire to be a

OMG WHAAAAAT???? Is that real???

Amazing isn’t it :)

AGREED. I love songs that tell a story and she was the queen of that. And that voice. And OMG she is stunning.

That was Bobby Gentry. She also sang Ode to Billy Joe, another one of my favorites and would make an AWESOME TV movie.

Now playing

Actually it’s a Bobby Gentry song. Reba McEntire covered it but the original is far superior, IMO.

I wasted all of my 20’s trying to pretend I didn’t just want to drink wine at home in a bubble bath. I went to a million great parties and hated every minute of it. Embrace the old - so much better that way.

I’m 34 and I’m sitting at my desk with a back pillow with a knit blanket wrapped around me popping pain killers because I threw something out. I’m officially too old for all of this shit.

Also - state government funding. WA state covers 100% of the cost of an abortion through Apple Care, a program for low income pregnant women.

Actually, here in WA state we have a program for low income women called Apple Health and it does cover 100% of the cost of an abortion... Or the cost of pregnancy/child birth - not sure if that’s 100% subsidized or only covers part of those expenses. Pretty sure it covers it in full though. It’s not federally funded,

Not invalid, totally correct. I don’t want to minimize anyone’s grief either but having been through the loss of my SO’s teen son in December I think I can say from experience that it is most definitely not in any way equivalent.

And I know, I know, I know, I know, I know...

I think that is so true! Our dog is definitely a momma’s boy and I do get the super excited greeting and the snuggles... BUT he obsessively tries to get my SO to play with him. He knows I will give him all the attention he wants, but he wants attention from the one who is more stingy :)

Awwww... We got a dog about two years ago. I really tried to let him be SO’s dog, but he is mine becuase I am a sucker for his little face. We were on vacation for a week and my parents housesat for us. One day I was talking to my mom and Bodhi must have heard my voice. Apparently he started running around whining

OMG that is so sweet! My Siamese is the same way. I was on vacation for a week and when I got home last Friday I thought she might explode. She followed me around meowing desperately whenever I wasn’t holding her for two or three days.

So true. I have a Siamese. OMG she absolutely thrives on human contact. When I get home she is at the door meowing at me. As soon as I get in bed she is snuggled as close as she can get. In the morning she sits on the counter and watches me get ready. She comes running if I call her. Definitely does not fit that aloof

Mr. Slithers approves of rogue cobra and wishes he also had venom with which to incapacitate his stupid, stupid humans .

This is exactly the reason that SO and I tend toward backcountry trips. The 26 mile hike is painful but it’s so worth it to enjoy nature without all the idiots.

Can you honestly tell me you could hate this face????