
I would have been HORRIFIED! Broody hens seem to have this sixth sense about which eggs are viable and which aren't. I suspect she knew it had died in the egg, pushed it out of the nest, and somehow it got in with the fresh eggs. This is why I move the broodies to a completely separate pen now.

Oh good lord, the thing is tiny. I probably would have just picked it out and eaten the rest of the soup. But I'm a farm girl. Lady, call me when you've cracked an egg into a hot pan and out comes a FULLY formed, full sized baby chick (very much DEAD, thank god). These are the things that happen sometimes when you

Nope... He actually found his way back to this dimension through some kind of wormhole earlier today so I was able to ask him. He confirmed that he was in fact mad about the fact that I regularly mock his alien astronaut theorizing.

This is my SO's theory. He actually got kind of mad at me when I laughed at that idea. Which obviously made me laugh harder. Which made him a little madder. The whole thing escalated to the point where a nuclear bomb exploded inside of him, creating a miniature black-hole which he was subsequently sucked into. Alas, I

Of course I had to go look.... And immediately ran screaming back here. Even the worst trolls on Jez aren't half as bad as the people on that site. Holy crap, what disgusting, sludgy, swamp did those people crawl out of? I think I need to go shower.

While I have no doubt that only total dickheads would sport this trend, I have decided that I am fully in support of the return of the monacle. Tally ho dear hipsters, tally ho!

Agreed. I'm picturing him + this and it is not computing:

I have to wonder if the reason you can't find a rescue is partly because so many of them are basically hoarders in disguise. They never have room because they never freakin adopt out their animals as no one can meet their ridiculous standards.

Let's see... In my 20's I had given up the thing I am most passionate about, I was a cokehead, hanging out with people that I didn't really like (but were soooo cool!), in a dead end service industry job (which I got fired from because, cokehead), and basically felt like crap about everything I was doing.

Also... If these things are supposedly "mistakes" in your past doesn't it seem odd to plaster your wall with posters/pictures reminding you of them day in and day out?

So before you have an abortion, first you have to know if you're the good guy or the bad guy

So true. The movie about my abortion would be sooo boring. SO and I made jokes about the couple of protestors outside, I chatted about horses with the doctors, sat in recovery for maybe 5 minutes, then we went and got some tasty BBQ down the street. No bawling, no crumbling relationship, no lifelong emotional


ADORABLE!!! You've got a pack of smartypants I bet. Cattle dog/border collie - that's a whole lotta brains in those noggins!

He is! Cattle Dog/Pittie mix :) SUPER smart, lots of energy, but an absolute love muffin!

This picture was actually taken at the vet... Seriously, how do you look so happy at the freakin vet??? BUT... That little monster may or may not have been found on top of the kitchen table stealing a snack a couple of weeks ago, much to the dismay of my SO. So we *have* tested out kitchen agility.... But we're going

Thanks you guys! He's my little monkey :)

YAY!!! Another one ear up, one ear down. Love it!

I love the one up, one down!!! So. Dang. CUTE!

Bodhi Sherman the rescue pup both approves of this post AND would like to follow in Emma's footsteps if his mom would just free up some time for agility training!