Jet Blakc

PS5 is already showing it’s age hardware wise

Alright, I get the older generations having a 7-8 year “life-cycle” because tech was rapidly advancing in more groundbreaking ways, but it feels ridiculous for this generation. It feels like we’ve barely gotten anything really cementing this generation as truly special. Sure, it could come in the next 3-4 years, but

That’s nice. But doesn’t mean he isn’t responsible for the death. Also, people should really understand that the chance a fight leads to death isn’t 0. So they really need to be less willing to resort to violence.

Not everybody has the time to breeze through the DLC in one day, who signed off on spoiling this shit?

As someone who only played 1/4 of the game (for gameplay reasons), I’m very shocked by this. It really seemed to be lining up an array of bisexual romance options, so for it to just winnow itself down to ONE option (gentleman or lady) is ... odd. That feels to me like a Bioware game where ALL the flirtation is still

The DLC literally came out yesterday and you go and throw a major character spoiler IN THE FREAKIN’ HEADLINE, completely unavoidable. Sooooooooo glad you put a spoiler warning in the body of your article though. Jerk. 

Yeah, it wouldn’t surprise me if “45 minutes of footage” would’ve been edited down to like 15-20 minutes or so if it had made the final film.

in all the big fights moving forward Vegeta always take the L vs the big bad

Doesn’t Dwayne have a whole list of things He’s Not Allowed To Do in movies, like being shown to lose a fight?

Maybe, but I feel like I’m watching The Rock in every movie he makes. Matt’s right, his selection of roles comes off as extremely protective of his image.

The lid & the seat should always be down. When a guy needs to stand there to piss, he should lift the seat and the lid & then lower them both when he’s finished.

Two things that changed my life: a.) Sitting down to urinate b.) installing bidets on my home toilets. Game changers. 

Sigh. Another day, another click bait headline.

“Error, persisted in long enough, must be accepted in the language. But there is no need to hurry.” - Charles Rembar, The Law of the Land

This may seem like an overly cynical and bad-faith interpretation of what Critical Role is doing with this new campaign.”

And then the white cop had the balls to be like “Well? Maybe you were doing something that deserved shooting at?”

That they weren’t charged with attempted murder is an additional hate crime.

Chill out, Jon Hamm! Go throw a football really well, and if you want to get involved in this stuff, learn about it!”

There is literally zero redeeming factors to this guy. I mean damn G, you wouldn’t let your baby moms come get YOUR kids clothing from your house. here is the kicker “them fatal love attraction type girls”. He said all of that to try to paint her in a bad light, not even considering how he is a piece of shit for just

It makes perfect sense, he is a famous person with a lot of money. We see it all the time plenty of assholes get a pass cause of this. I still don’t see the appeal to Dababy dude seems insane.