Do white people realize what they sound like to black otaku when they say things like “Jet is Barret and Barret is Jet!” ?
Think on it.
Do white people realize what they sound like to black otaku when they say things like “Jet is Barret and Barret is Jet!” ?
Think on it.
People are complicated and inconsistent. I’m willing to accept that she could be all of these things at the same time.
It’s not unreasonable to you.
FMA was way better than Brotherhood, fight me.
Am I supposed to cheer for this asshole?
People are going to complain about Bernie all day and then go vote for Joe fuckin Biden. Because he’s a great friend to black people.
When Bernie was marching with MLK, Joe Biden was the still the “nice” guy kindly telling those negroes to leave his part of town, if they know what’s good for them. For their own good,…
“Anyone who has read Marvel Comics knows that there is no such thing as a happy ending.”
I’ve been reading marvel comics for decades and I see happy endings all of the time. Insomuch as anything really ends, anyway.
Everyone loves Tormund, (or they should) Davos has been the down ass, he married my auntie, cool white guy for many seasons now.
Sorry you got to school late on the day they were handing out taste. The fact that you are comparing GoT to the Big Bang atrocity proves my point better than any argument I could make.
It’s almost as though we can both rally against his garbage policies and incompetence in preparation for the election while also holding him accountable for his bumbling attempts at conspiracy.
Imagine that shit.
Definitely not because while Monica is the shit, there are at least 4 legitimate Captain Marvel’s and she wasn’t the first.
“Nobody has to try and convince people that Barack is popular.”
Your memory is short. I remember Barack campaigning too. I recall Barack being in 3rd place in the polls for a long time before he caught on.
That doesn’t make any sense. What happened to him had nothing to do with the risks from the other two methods.
is that a good thing?
Lots of things people do are last resort and not “real chices” by your definition.
Most people don’t join the military, for example, because they think it’ll be fun and fulfilling.
In the culture I come from, when you’re a kid it’s common for mothers to make their kids hang on to their clothes in public. I remember HATING it, but it was effective.
“What I’m saying is that I think the feds need to really investigate because this seems suspicious.”
How’s that now?
I’m not clicking on the WSJ link because fuck them. What is the basis for this conclusion?
“With that said, Japan was no saint either, and one would only need to look into Chinese cinema for yet another perspective.”
I doubt he would take any pride in Japanese imperialism, either.